Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Nothing better than the OP mini bosses they now added too, if they’re in a spot you can’t avoid them it’s a dead delve.


GG Community!

Well played, I was worried there for a sec.

You get 3 gilded per delver’s bounty map. You were lucky enough to get 2 maps.

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I have 95 delves done. I haven’t seen a single delver map since the higher tiers opened*.

i know this seems kinda common sense, but don’t put out a hotfix at the end of a day, without seeing how it goes then just leave broken for a good 16 hrs.


Even when this is fixed it will never be as easy as it was, shame for all those people in here who missed out on getting the very hardest achievement from this with relative ease, blizzard can’t be having that it must take a long time because of how lacking in content delves are.

Making it hard until months down the line when you out gear them is blizzards only course of action to drag out this system.

As it stands we could have easily completed everything the delve system has to offer in the first week, but with that said I still would prefer that over what we are going to get when this “top priority fix” comes on and makes grouping still way harder than it was just yesterday.

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Thank you so much! I’m so glad that our feedback is being addressed :sparkling_heart:

How about making the guild bank problems top priority?? Delves can still be run even if they’re overtuned. My guild bank is completely out of commission and all we got was an EU post of “we’re aware and working on it.”

C’mon, y’all… this has been an issue since prelaunch.

To the folks saying “cant we just revert the hotfix” the reason they hotfixed it was because the difficulty level was around 3x harder for solo than for groups, which is way too hard.

So this is a two part problem, they fixed part 1, tuned it too high now. I presume they’re going to tune it down a bit as a solution, and maybe fix brann-sauce

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Please fix Brann for the Zekvir encounter.


Ye, scaling was so bad for solos that you were better off inviting a second person and having them afk at the start. That was so silly.


we already had that, you must mean second paid beta


Don’t you only get them from Bountiful Delves or is this on like 8 or 9 different toons?

Just nerf overall damage on 8+s by like 40% nothing in those delves should be doing 5-12 million damage.


Thank you, Kaivax. This is 100% the right call, as this delve overscaling would have ruined the weekends of many people (myself included!)

And please don’t take all of the reactions as people being entirely hateful against delves. I think delves are AMAZING content, probably the best thing about TWW. They just need to be balanced properly. I’m not a Mythic raider; I primarily play a frost mage in open world and occasionally a raid or dungeon, and I’d like to be challenged but not find delves to be too insurmountable as to completely wreck them.


Always have to watch out for the ankle biters - they may be small, but they are usually mean.

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I have done 9 bountiful this week.

I have exactly 2 runed crests.


:joy: yeah that’s kind of hackiness that indicates a problem :sweat_smile:

Can you fix what should have been a top priorities : My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content - #151 by Hellhawk-hellscream

Stop pushing “fixes” that actually break more things than they fix.
Please and Thanks