Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Could easily roll back the changes and figure it out, or could spend a few weeks ‘tweaking’ and end up pretty much back where we started.


Are we going to hear anything about Brann’s leveling? He seems capped at varying levels beyond 30, and below 30 he’s gaining incredibly low XP per delve, yet there’s nothing announced from your team regarding this.


I’m curious about this one as well. How many did you get before the hotfix? After, I believe we get 2?

I look at you as a Disc Priest and feel that you should be thankful for what you were given.

You should do less DPS as a tank, that is fine, the problem is the player damage to enemy health ratio.

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Fixes better include preventing Crazed Abominations from teleporting under the floor and a massive dmg reduction on these new Mini Bosses you threw in there that wipe the floor with groups.

I’d rather get zero than two.

Two runed crests per week is pathetic.

can we also please get the message to developers that, rather than only looking at the spreadsheet of numbers and adjusting the tuning that way, they actually go in and test how it is themselves before and after making the changes internally before pushing them to live servers?

  1. good. 2. WHAT WAS BETA EVEN FOR?!?

Delves have now been hotfixed to kill you instantly when you zone in and revive counter has been set to 1. Also on death in a delve your entire mount collection is deleted.


I feel like most people at least tried to cheese it with a group, yeah.


I appreciate the update on this matter. Please have your leadership review your ongoing development best practices and ensure your staff can learn from this customer experience.


Wdym, we in paid beta right now.


Adding new content appealing to “casual solo” players ended up being the sweatiest content for tryhard min/maxers. Now more tuning efforts are needed to keep the content fair and balanced. I say just keep it completely solo and decouple the player power reward from it (i.e. scale player power to recommended ilvl in each level) to make it a more enjoyable content while keeping its intital design intent.


“they want us to actually play the game? oh hell nah! i’d rather walk barefoot for a mile on broken glass”

Tala and Velo need major tuning or their prompt removal from T8+


At a rate of 2 runed crests per week, you’ll be able to upgrade 9 items by the time 2026 rolls around. Not 2025, 2026.


Some people reported getting upwards of 20-30, but they claimed they powered through delves as soon as the server opened on Tuesday. Anyone who did delves later in the day only got 2, and only on one character per account. If they did delves on an alt after getting 2 they got 0. Clearly they hotfixed it without patch notes shortly after launch, I just wish they would communicate to us what they did and why.

I might actually tune into race to world first when mythic is released cause those raids are gonna be hilariously out of whack if this is what delves are like.

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It felt like the delves went up +3 levels in difficulty.

I didn’t mind the challenge doing it solo, but doing it with more than 2 players is literally just wasting your time.

The biggest offenders right now is the big Nerubian who spams non-stop ground spikes because if you get hit by one its a one shot. Then you have Vek and Tal who just deal a boat load of damage.

It’s RNG if you get these NPCs as well. I just kept resetting until I got a delve that didn’t have any of them.


I also have 2 runed crests, but somehow also have 6 gilded. I’m getting close to the 90 I need for the enchanted version!