Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Exactly this.

How is doing less damage than DPS, while taking more damage than DPS, a fun and engaging mechanic?


i mean, just the IMMEDIATE SOLUTION is to roll back yesterday’s hotfix. There is no reason it should be there as is. Figure out how to actually tune it later


They path apart from each other eventually. So you can pull one at a time.

They are still kinda over-tuned though imo

FWIW, I did not experience 4 million damage autos as a 585 Prot Pally, but I still felt like the damage intake was much higher than other comparable content like M0s. Spells and auto attacks both hit quite hard.

Throwing more darts?


They were too easy in group, a small group buff and a slight solo nerf would have been better


That post has data before the hotfix that happened yesterday just FYI. But there are still people reporting tuning issues with tanks after the hotfix.

  • Web Bolt] went from 1.09M damage to 880k damage per cast as a solo DPS.

  • Burn Away] went from 750k a tick to 578k damage per tick as a solo DPS.

those both still one shot me then. interesting “fix” heh

*edit: my fault… hp in in the millions now i got confused.

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Such a clown fiesta.


groups in delves should face a harder challenge.

Shouldn’t be able to faceroll T8 and above in groups with 5 players at i570.


Really nice to do this on a Friday just before the weekend :confused: People finally find some time to game and get some gear upgrades for their character(s) only to be met by this barrier.

I tried to run Earthcrawl Mines T8 with 2 different groups and we wiped in the first room.

Yeah. Tier 8 was fine in a duo. Make it feel like that solo and then step back and let us run em. It sounds like that was where people wanted it to be.

If they want to make it harder, they should do so next season. But let us have this casual but rewarding game mode for S1, since it already launched this way and many of us got a head start on the bountiful chests.


I am aware it has some outdated information, but the auras applied to tanks and healers that causes them to take more damage are still in effect.

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So most people here bought The War Within because of delves. Its the only feature designed for solo casual players and what did Blizzard do? Its easier in groups AND its not for casuals. GG Blizzard


That makes sense for tanks, though. :dracthyr_a1:

Well yeah tell them it’s really important to understand that they will never balance solo vs party unless you limit it to max 2 players at most and figure it out from there.

But no way there’s going to be ever balanced solo vs other 5 players with all the tools they have.

You can test this yourself. Go into a tier 8 as prot.

Take a few melee hits.

Then switch specs and try again!

You’ll take 1/3rd the damage per hit.

laugh all you want but they got a lot of 600-610 gear before it kicked in lol. theyre probably the ones laughing.

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Yeah, that’s intentional?

Well, hope that fix goes in before I get home today.