Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

From Blizzard’s perspective, as they were, people were gearing too fast – getting M+5 gear for content that in no way was close to being M+5 challenge in a 5-man.

Letting everyone else do it, too, would have made the problem worse, from Blizzard’s perspective. So they decided to limit the problem. It sucks that it creates haves and have-nots, but the alternative is that everyone is geared faster than Blizzard wants – and we know gearing speed always is a hot button for Blizzard in terms of how they handle content changes like this.

They obviously overdid it, probably because they don’t know what they want to do yet in terms of balancing, but while they figured that out they wanted to turn off the loot spigot so that it doesn’t spread to the whole playerbase. Hopefully they can have an actual tuning fix this weekend to make them much harder than they were but still playable for an excellent group.

Well, uh, I’m torn because this place kind of exploded with the exception of the twins.

Just have to find a way to skip past the twin elites they added because they are overtuned imo.

Yeah, the lieutenant/miniboss pack is insanity.

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I soloed 2 8s this evening. The third one I ran with a tank guildmate and the last one, Sinkhole, broke me. Solo, Duo or party: every attempt hit a wall and we got obliterated. My brann is at level 30 and neither his dps or healing specs saved me this time

yeah, i took a group full of people in blues and greens into heroic raid on day 2 and the bosses were 1 shotting us. It’s blizzards fault. They messed the scaling up.

aaaaaannnd they ruined a great system… can’t let people have fun, they needed to OVERTUNE that… Great job Blizzard, you failed to balance a system again…

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Dear Blizzard Entertainment,

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the recent hotfixes and development practices. The latest hotfix, particularly the changes implemented on September 12, 2024, has significantly impacted the gameplay experience in a negative way. The game is launching in an untested state, resulting in a buggy and frustrating mess for players. Specifically, the intended developer note did not achieve its expected results in the live production setting. The adjustments to enemy scaling and targeting in Delves have not balanced solo and group play as intended, leading to inconsistent and unsatisfactory gameplay.

Additionally, there have been numerous missteps with the game’s launch, including splitting the community with profit-driven monetary practices. Features have been removed early for paying customers without proper notification, and content has been gated behind paywalls despite promises that these features would be available at launch. These practices have left many players feeling frustrated and undervalued.

I urge you to thoroughly test future updates before release and to reconsider these monetization strategies to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience for all players.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Your paying customers.



Following recent hotfixes to address issues in Delves, we’ve seen a great deal of concern about enemy scaling in various situations. We’ve been working on additional updates to Delves to address the current state of things.

This is a top priority for us and we expect to deploy further fixes later today.

Thank you for your feedback!


Max level delves actually exploding just because 2 people are in a party and 50 ilevs down was a lil silly.

I went from fighting for my life in a +8 on a 604 ilev char to killing a +9 and +10 first try on a 580 alt just because of scaling cheese.


thank you! I cant help but wonder what beta is for though!


Thank you for the update :slight_smile:


Gonna need a chair and some popcorn for the “further fixes” coming. If you thought the mobs were already hitting hard, boy… YOU ARE NOT PREPARED (for what’s coming next).


We know you guys have your hands full with the heroic tuning patch that is due later today so thanks for the heads up, please don’t make these delves take 30+ minutes though, they were great because it was a quick in and out even at high difficulty.


Yeah, curious to see what happens next. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Gonna zone in and get auto’d by an ankle biter for 84 million.


Why the hell do tanks take 3x the damage DPS do?

In what world is that fun?

In what world does that make sense?


Can’t you just revert the hotfix?


It makes sense to increase output versus tanks because tanks are very, very durable, but…some things may hit too hard. Although since the changes I feel bulletproof in 8-11s outside of the miniboss, so maybe it’s fine?


Appreciate giving an update. Always preferable to silence.


That’s not the case though. They gutted tank self-sustain before the expansion launched. We can’t take 4.2-4.4m melee hits when we have 7.5m hp. It’s not possible.