Folks… I appreciate the idea behind Delves, but they weren’t implemented well from the start. Additionally, you just took an already bad/unenjoyable implementation and made it worse. Please revert the “hotfixes,” and then work toward making Delves fun instead. Right now, Delves are like bad dungeons, with spikey damage instead of boss mechanics that can be learned and avoided. Right now (and even before the hotfix) Delves aren’t fun. And if it isn’t fun, it has no place in the game.
Make Delves Playable AGAIN
And show your Delve Dev how to test properly.
Reiterating the same thing I’ve said in other posts, mid week tuning is unnecessary and unprofessional. Players deserve better communication than this and it divides the community.
Blizzard says they listen to feedback but are silent when they see how unpopular some of their decisions are. There’s a lot of room for improvement here.
Just ran with a 5 stack and got auto attacked for 7 million by one mob at 595 ilvl.
Solo delve tuning is still just completely fubar. Trying to solo a 7 as a devastation evoker at 585 might as well be slamming my head in a car door.
So if im reading everything right, dont bother with delves for the next few days?
I got through 6 and was going to start 7-8 tonight. Solo.
Dont bother?
Yeah… Tried a delve today on 8 solo, everything seemed fine until I encounted twins that made it impossible for me to continue (also another empowered minion completely phasing through a wall)
Tala and Velo were their names and one was doing a 1.5m cast and the other was hitting me for 500k consistently. I cant heal through that much damage that fast while trying to deal damage and interrupt.
Loved delves as a option to not always have to put up with people with ugly attitudes in mythics and having something to run solo or with a mate and still have a way to get legitmate gear , the damage scaling is so outlandish atm especially the harbringer one shot twins
What the hell were these changes for exactly? Things were perfectly fine as they were, but now they’re unplayable on every class I run it with. I can’t survive the AoE’s or the massive hits. I don’t have enough defensives, and even in groups its absolutely horrendous. Stop making changes like this without feedback or asking if you should.
did mines t8 bountiful and went great till we got to tala and she killed us like we were nothing and lost the bounty chest nothing we could do to kill her or her friend 10 mil each
what we figured out is when they went to the wall we went to the opposite wall and hugged it to get past her and friend
boss was easier only 1 person died the whole fight
and yes bountiful goes away after you beat it and lose all your lives
Holy crap these changes landed in the middle of us doing delves and it was brutal! I am fine with a difficulty increase but bosses are auto-attacking my evoker for 2.5m swings THROUGH 40% Walls!
welp, they were fun! Until they weren’t. #ouchy
Meh. I wouldn’t say they were fine. They were too easy in groups for the level of rewards.
You can’t think getting Mythic Plus 4 gear for a 15 min run was working as intended did you?
Well, on the plus side, Conan Exiles Age of Heroes is coming out soonish.
Grasping defeat from the jaws of victory.
Classic Blizz.
legacy steel and sorcery alpha test is later today so im gonna try that
Just wanted to throw my 2 cents as well. So perhaps they were bugged BUT why not fix it on Tuesday to atleast let everyone get that first round of 616 gear out of the vault. I have buddies that missed doing them now we are struggling to get them caught up.
Shortsightedness by the company is all this is.
Which hardly anyone wants to do because they’re blatantly overtuned
They can still do them solo which looks like the play right now until they fix group scaling.