Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Kind of?

I mean it was clear that they intended delves to be endgame progression content.

Blizzard overdid it with this retuning, but the way it was previously tuned, groups were using them like a one-and-done content for gearing – you get to T8, then run your 4 bountifuls a day, get your 603 gear, and on Tuesday your hero vault gear, and move on to M+ and never do them again. That’s what it was. And so it wasn’t functioning as endgame progression content, just a META for this week prior to M+ because players think M0 was overtuned.

They overdid the correction, but it did need to be corrected in terms of how groups were performing. They often overdo corrections in the first pass and then only fine tune them later. My guess here is that they wanted to turn off the gearing spigot immediately because it was way too fast, much more than they intended.

The solo side is a true disaster, however – really, it’s one thing to “turn off” the group side until you figure out how to scale it properly, but the solo side remains ridiculously tuned.


You skipped the part about damage adjustment. They identified the “lethality” and adjusted it. If you full wipe now its because youre bad.

Honestly… I disagree.

Delves weren’t good, even in the old iteration.

  • Gear drops outside bountifuls capped at 554.
  • Brann’s entire toolkit being gutted.
  • Brann currently capped at level 38.
  • Brann not getting exp above 15 unless bountiful.
  • Hard limit on Restored Coffer Keys.
  • Way fewer powers and unique abilities than Torghast.
  • Most powers are single-use or short-term gains that don’t last the instance.
  • Major scaling issues including DPS, healers, and tanks taking wild differing amounts of damage.
  • Having a few chests in each that are a one-time lootable.
  • Group scaling completely borked and too easy, so they swing it into the unfun.
  • 2 Runed Crests per week.
  • Loot tables with 35 cloaks.

What did I miss?


With the greatest degree of respect…
Welcome to WoW’s endgame since The Burning Crusade. The only difference now’a’days is that there’s more kinds of endgame content, more difficulty levels, and different rewards for each kind of content providing an incentive to participate in all forms of content to the degree one wants to. Rather than there being two types and that one of 'em is always easily abusable by the other.

So… welcome to the same system from 2007 except better, more of it, and more fun … I suppose?

I was excited for delves as a returning player as a way to get geared for raid outside mythics and man, these changes absolutely suck. The issues people had was that 1) solo could be too punishing with high HP bars and massive unavoidable damage 2) boss hp scaled down for groups.

This change has made delves simply not fun at all. I did several T8 delves with 2 friends Wednesday and it was fun and doable and felt rewarding. I went in again last night with 4 people and we got absolutely ruined. The new ascended enemies in T8 plus basically one shot all of us in just a few seconds, bricking the delve entirely. Even duos are bad and people are getting annihilated by auto attacks or spam casts. Even worse, these changes feel like a reward for the top end players who spammed and steamrolled delves day 1 of the season to gear. They mixmaxed it and got rewarded and now Blizzard is pulling up the ladder so more casual players can’t catch up.

Terrible changes

I didnt know about the update last night while soloing an 8 Fungi on i586 ret and died three times to that duo with no chance to win – so i divine shielded long enough to rescue their captive and ran like hell… and somehow finished it. But yeah, it didnt motivate me to want to run more, that run was nuts. Now i see the tuning is whack.

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More health + less damage = boring.


bro i was doing teir 8 and 9 just just fine. not face roll but manageable. now they change it with hotfixes that are not well thought out cause me to not be able to clear even a lower dif that 8 and its skill issue. just say you are a blizzard cu*k a move on.


^they literally made solo easier lol

Was having a blast duoing these with my significant other and running a few with guildies. We are on vacation for 11 days, my only hope now is that they fix this before we get back. Was super excited to finally have a decent solo/duo gearing option as neither of us raids or does M+.


Revives Remaining has changed to Lives Remaining. Now any time a player dies, the counter is reduced (was any time a player releases spirit). In addition, reaching a checkpoint will now provide +1 life.
Rip my gamin buddy


It is laughable how stupid and bad of a decision it was to increase the difficulty of delves. Just revert it already. There are supposed to be “casual”?


The death mechanic went from wipe protection to we have to literally crawl through this or we are never going to complete it solo or group. The mob scaling is absolutely ridiculous we had a group of 4 606 try to do the delves we have been doing all week and just absolutely wiped. With three of us it was doable but with 4 it’s went crazy. If you haven’t tried taking a party of 5 into waterworks try it. The elites have 110+mil hp and spike the tank harder than nfl player scoring a touch down. This way just an asinine change. Blizzard balancing team out her smoking rock


For T8?..…

My group had no issues

They really overdid it, the new enemy variants are close to impossible except maybe for blood dks. They basically killed this content for the majority of players to the point that no reason to even do world quest for keys because by the time you have the gear to do tier 8 you will outgear it


Absolute dog sh*t changes. Delvs were fine and everyone was having fun. Now these changes have completely flipped the script. On the underwater levels they don’t even spawn enough air bubbles for a five man group to be able to live.


Crazy there hasn’t been a blue post yet, surely someone’s seen this thread lol


We did t9 and t8 , the bois missed some yesterday so we went in today. The other 3 mans we t8s we did were fine took forever but not that bad but once we had a 4th (2 dps 1 heal 1 tank) man those big kobolds just would not go down t9 was just not possible dudes were melee hitting for 4-5 mil and ability cast were almost one shots the T8 was taking so long that when 2 people died or accidentally pulled those new Uber mobs it just fell apart. We did it this morning and I had finished all mine yesterday morning so the jump was jarring and honestly it’s just not worth it being that difficult. It was in a solid place for what it was as catch up gear since it doesn’t go past hero track in the best case scenario a solid piece of mid casual level stuff and great for the early prog. As it is now? It’s just unnecessary . Everyone doing it for prog gear is done with it making it harder after the initial push no one is going to do these things.

Yeah t9 is optional though so really 8 is all that really matters and most of the achievements are locked to being done solo.

Which I’m sure they’ll run another pass of tuning. I’d imagine they have an idea how many people they want maxing the place out.

There’s a reason why like in ff14 it’s like 1% of the playerbase has the necromancer title id imagine they have a similar number in mind for completing this solo as well. As long as the t8s are reasonable then I’d say it’s mostly fine.

“working as intended”