Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

i am literally never complain or cry about anything, but this change is just stupid/untested and simply just dumb, period.

We today as a group of 2 (tank and dd) cant even get through the first mob pack without losing 2-5 lives, just because the mobs cast literally each 2 sec web bolt which is hitting for millions.
give us interrupts without cooldowns, then its a thing again.

and i mean, normal trash mobs (not rare or anything) has 50 mil hp, i mean wtf.

if that change stays, this feature is dead for us.


what if i were to purchase vendor food and disguise it as my own cooking

delightfully delvish seymour

Logged on today and was keen to do some delves with a group after enjoying it yesterday and blizzard has completely ruined the whole thing already. NICE JOB


I was not saying that it’s easy on tank, my comment was a relative one. I don’t believe that it’s easy on any class or role right now, but this thread is littered with people claiming that they are able to clear t8 post-hotfix on tank without issue, which indicates to me that they are either a) lying, or b) there is something that makes tank classes able to do what most of the rest of us are unable to. I was not attacking anyone that plays a tank spec, only Blizzard’s inequitable tuning.

I’m sorry, I’m not a doomer, and I try to just have what fun I can get, while knowing I only get to play a few hours on the weekend.


This expansion really feels like a Hate letter to casual players, perhaps to the entire community. My six month comes up the 26th, and if I dont see something that makes me feel good about TWW, I’m going to cancel.

Of course, it’s not just delves, but ive never been whelmed by an expansion like this… and it’s gone to underwhelmed in pretty much every sphere.


Yeah I highly doubt that, Blizzard isn’t exactly good at fixing anything


My favorite part is how Brann goes down like a sack of spuds and does next to no damage suddenly in solo play.


jesus christ man, Gear isnt everything except for people like you who seem to base their entire ego around their ilvl. Some of us just want to have some good casual fun and get the occasional piece of nice gear without having to ever interact with people like you


Sure, my comments are more to Bliz not you, they borked the feeling of progression. We go from godly in heroics to garbage in delves. And “tanking” doesn’t feel like tanking. I should be able to sit in a pack of mobs for a LONG time. it -should- take me much longer to kill stuff (that’s the tradeoff, survivability vs dps). But now they take survivability away and do not increase my damage. So I’m a sub-par dps.


Delves are SH*T now. Thanks Blizzard…

Tried a T8 bountiful with 595+ geared people. 5 man, 3 man and duo. Not doable anymore.

If a 5 man group wipes, you gotta restart, fricking insane cause stuff hits for 20 million dmg.
3 man group was as hard as 5 man. Scaling???
Duo was not enough DMG so it took awhile and got hit with volley 3-4 times within few seconds and that hit for 1.5m - 2.5m DMG per second PLUS a fricking poision dot that hits for 800k-1.5m dmg per tick… With a 8 sec dispell CD it’s fricking insane. It’s perma death.

Delves was really nice untill this morning when I was hyped to do some bountiful with some nice random people who also were hyped.

This should have already been fixed by now… Rollback this stupid hotfix…


Exactly with our guild, and all these people on the forums gaslighting like whatever blizzard did is correct.

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We did it Joe

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If all endgame activities have to be super duper challenging then the message being sent is “once you complete the story, either do progression content or unsub”


You know, the weirdest part of all this, is we were pointing out how this was going on solo and the scaling was bad in an attempt to make solo easier and on the level with what groups were experiencing…

Instead, Blizzard went the opposite direction and just made it more difficult for groups, leaving one-shot mechanics and ridiculous dmg output in for the solo player. I couldn’t clear a T5 last night because the final boss was auto attacking me to death in seconds and I was above the recommended ilvl lol


That’s why every end game activity has difficulty Tiers. You play up to the level you want.

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yeah its just real fun when even before these hotfixes my aug evoker was doing a tier recommended for 10-15 ilvl below her ilvl solo and I was still having to pull out all the CC stops to not die at times


If I new that blizzard would give me something fun and then make it not fun after 3 days, I wouldn’t have returned from my year away


We Delved Back Better!

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Blizzard seems to have a pathological hatred for its players actually enjoying World of Warcraft. Whenever fans start having a good time, they swoop in with absurd changes as if they can’t stand their own game thriving. It’s almost as if they’re on a mission to sabotage any hint of joy, making content more difficult and infuriating just for the hell of it. Their actions give the impression that they’re actively trying to drive their player base away, as if they’re obsessed with seeing how much they can push people before they finally snap and quit.


It is crazy how delves were a big W for Blizzard. Look at all this feedback. What a massive L.