Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

May just be isolated to tank specs, but apparently post hotfix, 600 ilvl tanks are instantly deleted in 8s. I wouldn’t be surprised that they put some unfair aura on tanks to punish them specifically.

I was enjoying 2 maning delves with a buddy of mine, They were still hard but now I just can’t take the hits or poisons, Well it was fun but for someone who hardly ever raids or does m+ , I enjoyed 3 days i guess

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Delves absolutely needed adjustment for group play but my concern is that I don’t see how the holy trinity will not be required for these after the hotfix even after everyone has a lot more gear. And I seem to recall Blizz saying delves would be something you could do solo or in small group play without the need of the holy trinity.

Having a tank or healer(or both) makes everything easier. Just by default.

At the risk of jumping into the wrong side of the debate - I just ran Underkeep on T9/10/11 (solo Disc Priest ilvl595) and didn’t notice it being excessively harder than T8s yesterday. T9 and T10 were each about +10% over the previous tier for both damage and mob health, and then T11 was a big jump but nothing Brann couldn’t handle. The boss AoE hit for around 3M, but plenty of time between hits to heal up.

The T8s I ran earlier also seemed fine. I’m not sure if they were before or after the hotfix, but at least one of them had a “4” stack marker on the delve entry menu Zekvir’s Influence affix icon, where it used to be “3” - so I think that one at least was after the hotfix.

TLDR - as far as I can tell, solo is unchanged?

Yes I agree. I’m not talking about easier. I mean it does not seem possible even accounting for more gear to do a tier 8 without the holy trinity after this hotfix. So many things have unavoidable damage hitting for many millions of damage frequently. But I could be wrong. Maybe with gear will be killing the hard hitting stuff in 30 seconds again but I would think the level of gear needed for that means you aren’t actually getting an upgrade from the delve…

This isn’t new, tanks have always had a damage increase in delves. People saw this as far back as beta, it’s easy to test. It just seems they went insanely overboard with it now.

Its not just for tanks. Ive gone in as dps on 590+ alts solo and mobs hitting like a truck…

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Not surprising, I definitely wondered how DPS could possibly be doing delves at all, given the ridiculous damage the mobs did.

Maybe I’ll just have to do them in feral or something.

I was wondering wth was going on. I was able to solo T8 on blood DK, but it wasn’t exactly face roll easy. I went in on my enh shaman later and couldn’t get last the first couple of packs. At first, I attributed it to my ilvl being much lower than the recommended 600. Now I know it’s that combined with this. I will say that dropping to T7 was much better… I think. Made it through but did die a few times to make it happen. It was very weird though. Sometimes the enemy health bar would not be moving and all of a sudden be at 0. Seemed like that was happening to me as well.

yesterday I was enjoying Delves, today I am not
Blizz needs to stop getting the interns to do all the drudgery and have someone who knows what they are doing fix the damage and scaling

Oh and just make them solo only.


If I can take on the tier 7 boss with the boss barely getting my tank pet down to half health and sometimes it was just 100% the whole fight, to then the next tier I can’t kill a single non-elite mob, who in turn nukes me, this isn’t a skill or gear issue, this is a Blizzard issue.

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Blizzard is incapable of learning lessons.

Torghast was a slog unless you were a tank, similar problems exist in Delves trying to be a DPS and just getting trucked by everything even before adjustments yesterday.

Mop: Remix had people abuse thing early on and be massively OP while it took others weeks to catch up to the power curve since they didn’t originally provide enough Bronze, and Delves were steamrolled by groups for 3 days and they got to use all their keys and gear up some and fill their vault, while people who didn’t have that opportunity are left now catching up.

Just a little disappointing. That and a bug with not getting credit and reward for using a key on an 8 after fighting tooth and nail to get through it are really just souring me on this whole season.


Amazing they somehow made it worse then Islands and Torghast.


It is a Blizz issue since 7’s are then likely too easy and 8’s are too hard.

I don’t understand this stuff. These fix some glaring errors. How on earth did they possibly misunderstand people would join in groups or that in groups you have a rez?

How could such oversights happen? Did they only test Delves solo? If so, how is that an even remotely reasonable to not include groups in testing if they don’t hard cap solo, which they could have done.

Not mad. How could some of these obviously major theory of operation questions go live? Is Blizzard testing some other game?

Defiantly when tier 7 doesn’t do the millions of damage per second vs 8. Plus the slight bump of ilvl wouldn’t matter for the huge bump of damage.

Blizzard did an unannounced hotfix that lowered the spell damage for solo by 20%, per wowhead. Did nothing for melee attacks or the fact the health is too dang high for mobs.

Not in this case no. Having a healer or a tank makes it significantly harder because the mobs scale wildly different with healers and tanks in group. It’s also why it’s harder as a solo tank than as dps by a country mile and arguably solo healer too until Brann is quite high in levels (and, by extension, can actually hold things attention).

interesting. i had the opposite experience in a T8 kriegval i ran for testing this out this morning. nearly impossible to solo in dps spec (604 arms warr). barely made it through the first room. easily completed without a single death in prot spec (602 prot warr). only even remotely difficult part was the new anub’vir mega pack, which was way harder than the final boss. did take a long time though (20 minutes) because of the high health scaling.

It’s been pretty thoroughly tested. The incoming tank damage was over double.