Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

I like too that all the sweatlords that cant handle people wanting to not to play like them wont come in this thread but will absolutely talk smack in others about people getting good now theres actual pushback


Yep, and here’s the thing, prior to the hotfix you still needed to know how to play your class and be competent to complete a t8 (for most, tanks and pet classes notwithstanding), but post-hotfix, t8 is nearly impossible for many / most, regardless of group size. This week and next are the only weeks in which delve content will be relevant for anyone looking for gear, yet they are nigh impossible to complete with the ilvls available in those weeks, so in order to complete them, you need to have already achieved or surpassed the ilvl that they drop as a reward. As such, delves are now entirely irrelevant content for the vast majority of players.


Where’s the challenge in getting web-bolted for 2 million hp?


Don’t fret folks, there’s an unannounced hotfix that helps solo players (supposedly) but doesn’t do anything for groups :rofl:

So web bolts will only hit you for 880k, unless they crit of course.
Remember, damage reduction only for solo players.


Oh joy I’ll take slightly less inbetween being auto-attacked for 10% of my hp. With plate and racial

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good job blizzard you managed to make what is easily the biggest bait and switch feature to date even worse in everyway. Man this expansion has turned out to be the biggest joke, end game is so miserable now.


My guild: “Lets do some Delve keys!”

30 min later: “Welp. That’s dead content, back to mythics.”



That actually wouldn’t surprise me. Wasn’t the Wither bug we Locks experienced over the weekend due to some fixes they were trying to implement with its interaction with I think, Blackened Souls? They wanted like a .5 icd/delay on Wither stack refreshes from the server in relation to how it interacts with BS and somehow we ended up with around a 5s icd on being able to gain a Wither stack. I swear that was decimal point related.

Just went through delves with a tank shortly after the hotfix. The recommended delve level for my tank was 6 due to gear score. but I was able to complete it at 7 without dying at all.

Completing the delve took about 30min just due to the amount of HP these mobs have, namely elites and the end boss.

Started with Brann as DD, but quickly switched him to heal, because Branns damage output is pointless, and does not reduce much if you switch him to heal. Most dps came from his pet out of the egg, not from Branns direct damage.

Super casual.

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Had a good time with delves until this hotfix, now I’m at 600 ilvl and get killed by two hits from a kobold who does 2mil dmg per auto-attack. Fun.


this content is dead one M+ comes out. GG

I would say it goes well beyond that and gets more down the the fundamental issue with WoW class design when it comes to making challenging solo content. Many classes are designed to be incredibly squishy and offset that by making them have strong CC to kite and and immobilze their targets. This sounds nice on paper, mostly in PvP settings. However when you then make content where mobs have near infinite range, uninterruptible AoEs as well as bosses that can’t be CCed or rooted, those classes fall apart immediately.

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Delves have become the ultimate boss of The War Within now. Nice! Truly end end game content, we will be back to them after finishing Mythic Raiding! Finally we get that elitist content.


Delves were absolute wet rat garbage solo before these changes, now they are like that for groups too.

Sure is fun playing a healer, if you ever pull threat off Bran it means you are going to die because your heal threat will keep him from EVER taking threat again as you get meleed for millions.


I swear this expac is going to create a derth of healers real quick. Its not like the ingame community is super quick to blame or anything


Nah they were good and are even better with the new bosses. Thanks blizz. Hard doesnt equal bad, especially since you have Tier 1 anyway which monkeys can do. Maybe try a different one.

You are quite weird, imagine defending delves when one to two boss melees in a row will kill you as a healer.

There is nothing “hard” about that, it is just badly balanced. The “outplay” for that is to let Brann do EVERYTHING, and do everything you can to never get threat. If you think that is hard then you are probably even worse at the game than me.


They’ve been trolling in delve threads for a few hours straight now lol

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Total skill issue and nonsense complaint.
This is like complaining why Mythic+ mobs kill you in a hit as a healer. Sorry you can’t aggro all of a tier 11 as a healer clothie and actually have to use Brann lol.