Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

Yeah I agree, a lot of people posting about how “easy” they are, typically are posting on classes that either are really strong right now, or are ranged and means they typically don’t deal with a lot of the damage that melee does. Followed by have better toolkits to tap into to deal with the mobs.

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a trash mob had 111m hp in delve 8 with 4 people what is this lol


I think its finally just to a point across the industries that companies not listening to the broad fan appeal are not doing great and the ones that do take fan feedback seriously are making bank.

People see this and have learned that the vocal are the ones who get the prize. We cant just assume youtube and streamers have our interests anymore because they arent gamers like us. They are a business unto themselves.

But enough of that back to the pitchforks and torches

Ill admit I lean more toward the casual than the hardcore but i dont see why we all cant have what we want. Just to see how many people are so willing to shut down any criticism in a game you love that might bring more resources or eyes onto it is amazing.

I’m the one posting on character that has gear proving that I have not the one hiding on an Alt.

yes. literally yes. its still RNG on what you get, and you only get about 5 chances a week. Over the next few weeks main characters wont need champion gear anymore so its literally just going to be for gearing up alts. Not to mention you still have to “farm” those 5 keys by completing weekly missions, so its not “5 minutes”


It’s really not hard to believe people have 595+ gear when they say they do. I have 604 on my main and was getting chunked by autos.


how on earth did these “fixes” make it to live. So poor.


D7 & D8 give heroic vault slots. Doesn’t mean anything for folks doing +10s but below that it’ll remain relevant, especially for filling out the last few missing pieces

I’m generally capable of handling standard mobs on T8 still but Anub’vir and his minions are basically impossible. The casters hit for ~1m per attack and even with popping all of my cooldowns I can’t even get one down before it eventually becomes too much. That with also dodging all of the main boss’s attacks which will 2-3 shot me if I get caught in it. I could probably handle the boss without the caster mobs but with them I’m just toast.

He sits in his computer chair and plays the game more like a job than any other player.


Apparently I was on my druid. My DK is what I’m running with currently. :stuck_out_tongue:

And we just keep falling for it. Honestly I blame me.

And all of this is horrible stated in game for newer or returning players who dont want to have to constantly pull up 3rd party guides just to enjoy a 15 min activity between my classes.

Not that theres anything wrong with it but most people dont find enjoyment in that


Like it’s fine for the higher tiers to be challenging in the form of stopping casts, CCing etc, using your whole kit. Getting gibbed by autos is not challenging at all and atm I think it would be hard to survive in even 620 gear.

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See i would point out the South Park guy for reference but nobody can make fun of Thors dad

Mythic 0s are significantly easier than t8 delves, by a huge margin. You can die in mythic zeros, in t8 delves you are limited and when there is an instant speed AOE that wipes your group, back out to restart. That isn’t “fun challenge” its just terrible design, punishing the players for what reason exactly?

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so 12 hours ago these were playable with 3,4,5 man. Now its just unplayable. Can’t run delves for gear, already did raid. So i just log till Tuesday now Blizzard? lmao


works as intended

Don’t worry Bards and Mounted Aerial Combat are coming.