Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

I love that their response is always to come back with “IT DROPS 618 VAULT YOU JUST NEED MORE ILVL” as if 23 more ilvls is going to make me survive 14 million damage auto attacks


Full group means way more tools to deal with problems in delves. Good change actually

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People are having fun soloing them or grouping for them.

Blizz just has to come in and ruin it, can’t have people enjoying themselves…


Zekvir’s autos do more damage than his mechanics now
completely unsoloable, even when we get better gear at this rate
grats to those who killed him while brann was bugged and OP i guess


You are meant to have Brann tank him while you do the mechanics I’m pretty sure. Haven’t done the second version yet.

Nope, as of the hotfix he takes half his health per hit

The solo boss delve version, mind. i’ve never seen him in a roamin boss mode yet

It depends on your Brann level, you are supposed to level Brann throughout the season then attempt it later, not day 2. He can indeed tank it.

Even I haven’t bothered with the second Zekvir yet and I cleared T11s. Its a gear and power issue

I got the second Zekvir to about half health but couldn’t be bothered, I feel it’ll be a breeze with more DPS so I’ll come back.

I don’t think it’s just that, the hotfix notes also include this line with no elaboration (the Developer note underneath makes no sense in relation, it seems to be talking about something else):

Adjusted enemy targeting preferences in Delves.

I think they made mobs have some sort of mechanic that makes them just ignore threat entirely if you become a threat to them. Basically this was to kill off the strategy of just tagging mobs with a super weak attack and letting near invincible Brann tank them for you.

There are so many ways to play this game in a group. Dungeons, arena teams, raids, and I am loving Delves. I think the content is treat and fun. I really want to see it balanced better though. I’m playing druid, and trying so many different specs and builds, and I have almost 600ilvl, and it’s nearly impossible for many of the higher delves. I hope changes come soon. I hope this can be proper solo content for those of us that don’t have time to do the other…

Blizzard should also update the Great Vault for Delves.

This is already tracked as bug in Great Vault Bugged - #5 by Supersonic-scarlet-crusade so I save the details here.

My brann is level 27, i watched a video of someone pre hotfix do it with a 18 brann, and he was taking almost 0 damage per auto

So what the count up to? Are we at bug #404

Brann was a hard carry that quite a few specs absolutely leaned on for completion and now he’s basically worthless. Mine is 28 and is basically doing less now than he did at about level 12 before.

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Just did a t8 delve on the prot warrior I hit 80 with last time I played him, before the patch dropped, who was ilvl 573 when I went in. Thought maybe my demo warlock was just easy mode because pet spec. Died once to Zeralek or whatever randomly appearing, and otherwise it was easy. Have no idea what you people are whining about.


Cookie? /10

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Why is anyone suprised, this is pretty accurate track record for them. Mage tower insane hard to easy in Legion, than it was the same once it was re implemented in Timewalking going from hard-easy and now with TWW release its hard again. Torghast same story insane hard to insane easy. This will be the same it is now too hard so ppl wont play it, than it will become too easy so no one will bother doing it.


they reduced damage by 20% for solo players

is that even enough?

Based on the notes this makes sense.

Go into the delve with a group, the mobs scale to be harder. That does make sense to me. Sounds like they also adjusted the damage in solo and in groups to avoid the one shots.

Is that still happening in groups and solo?

This went from fun content with my friends to get ready for m0, to content we’ll never be able to do together because it’s too hard.

Whichever developer decided to roll this out on Friday really killed the mood for my group. One is considering quitting ‘if this is how the game is going to be’.

Worse than the first week p2 nerfs in sod that completely killed the vibe and game.


For you. But they didn’t make it for people who just want to run Mythic + all day.