Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

These Delves where legit the reason many of us bought the expansion Blizzard. Revert it back.


I just tried to 4 man a T8 Delve. I was getting hit for 4 mill With IBF and 10 marrowrend stacks with DRW going. 596 Ilv

This hotfix literally has made T8 nigh impossible. We got it done 1 hour and many deaths. Along with a 5 min Blood tank solo session.

The running joke in our guild is Blizzard acidentally moved a decimal place.


Just because you cant control yourself and have to have the best gear doesn’t mean that the entire point delves were advertised and marketed has to be changed


That’s probably the heart of it tbh.

Maybe they’re in panic-mode, because this thing was supposed to last a whole season.

It just started lol. They are desperate to slow players down.


So they should remove gear and make Delves easy? Is that what you are asking for?

Getting white hit for millions ain’t “the challenge”. Walk into an 8 now and try it.


Post on your main and let’s see your gear first.

I have neither said, nor do I believe anything of the sort. You should read about the experiences of others in delves, post-hotfix, before you assume to understand what they are upset about. These sort of prompt cumulative opinions are overly reductionist and again, either a) tone deaf, or b) willfully ignorant (possibly both).


Im at the point of who cares. Youre never going to stop the people who want to play your game like that so stop trying to limit it because all you’re doing is screwing up the whole point of the thing.

Its also just weird to not make content people enjoy so much they want to repeat content not that theyre so timegated that any drip feels like a river.


I can do it solo and it is overtuned there but the real scaling problem is groups for sure at the moment. I don’t think there should be any damage in the game where a tank should be 80%'ed by a melee strike.


I don’t need to do that for your judgement when your characters aren’t capable of doing the content. 3300 last season, two characters over 595. Not some random who doesn’t know their class posting that “it’s not meant to be easy”.


Like when they first made dungeons they made them so big because they didnt know people would want to do them as repeatable content.

I know it was a different time but weve lost that kind of discovery by the devs in gaming. Most games have time gates that you know are calibrated by the best accountants to eek out the most sub money.

I’m not the one crying for nerfs.

Then maybe just maybe youre the minority on this one and wrong.


You’re also not the one doing the content, so your opinion is irrelevant.


If Blizzard didn’t want the player base to actually progress Delves then they should have just capped it at 6/7 this week instead of the current clown show.


Ya lmao, it doesn’t look like they do much of anything if you check their achievements.

We all have to admit it is pretty damn cool to see the community up in arms like this. Not common for everyone to come together and be like. What the heck did they break.

You can tell some people who are soloing are not having as many issues but it is still overtuned.

Anyone running solo though. I want you guys to try it in a group. Honestly it is so bad it is comical. XD


They counted on that. They got your money, now they backpedal. Planned…

Ye I did a tier 8 in a group as 3 dps, was brutal but we got it done. Mostly the autos were just ruining people.

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