Delves Tuning, Sept 12th

did i hear someone wants them to hit for 10.5mil on white hits"?

I mean, I main a paladin, I can take 5… or 6 :slight_smile: lol

They’d better have actually fixed the damage scaling in higher tiers if they’re gonna implement this change. I know damn well that the majority of the Tier 8 groups I was in relied on the death counter only going down upon spirit release instead of upon death, because there were A LOT of uninterruptible, unavoidable one-shot abilities being dished out.


Idk how they always take the worst possible route for these type of content.
Legendaries in Legion were supposed to make you build a lot of different builds but It was locked being RNG until the end of xpac.
Island Expeditions were marketed as something but It was totally diferene in game and “losing” an expedition (honestly how do you lose an actual expedition) was so punishing and so easy in the beginning, until they had to nerf It and make It Just a mogfest.
Thorghast was supposed to be a roguelike content but It became mandatory, the leaderboard that they promise never came and It was weekly gated for no reason, until It got nerfed to oblivion.
Now Delves…they can’t get one major content right. And it’s not because they’re incompetent, Nzoth Visions and achievments were super cool, corruption system was good, azerite powers (the actual Powers, not the Armour) were cool, mage tower and their unique mogs. They have the capability of making good stuff, they just ALWAYS choose the BAD option.


Either mode right now is beyond busted, you literally cannot survive basic casts or attacks right now from mobs. In all honesty I feel like blizzard made this change with the intention of slowing down gear progression. Given I am hard pressed to believe they could actually mess delves up this badly with a single hotfix.


Smellyflaps brings up a good point.


Man I was clearing tier 5 and 6 going along with my item level, was going great, doing them solo as fury slayer or with a friend, great casual content. Come back after this joke of a “tuning” attempt and I cant even clear a tier 6 because everything is hitting me for stupid levels of damage, like not even aoe’s or mechanics, nah just normal physical hits. Single target spells hitting for 500k+, mechanics are basically a one shot death…GG blizz, back to the “Fun detected, let’s break it so people hate it now” method still going strong!


i mean they could have gone home for the night.

I think it’s likely a combination of factors. The devs live in an echo chamber for one, in that many of them don’t apparently play the game, but use prior design decisions, subscriber numbers, and design intent rather than in-game experience to inform their decisions. They also must adhere to the mandates of their leadership, i.e., Microsoft, who may have very different design objectives than they would otherwise. And finally, they are likely a bit burned out trying to implement and adapt a game that millions of people have been playing for many years, so they may not always be thinking clearly. Regardless, I think you’re right in that they do seem to pursue the obviously wrong choice more than one would merely by chance.


the NORMAL mobs in delves take minutes to kill… with a 5 man group… and they can one shot with 7mil + damage single abilities.

Delves were supposed to be quick 10 to 15 minute sessions, which they were, but now you have to avoid certain ones because they aren’t doable in a group AND the ones we can do take almost twice as long.


That’s simply not true. I have cleared Delves to tier 7 on two different characters and have a chance for 610 gear in the vault.

It’s the first week and people are over reacting because they are under geared. It;s supposed to be challenging.

I love the pure tone deafness to see all the one shot comments and come back with the reply “Well yeah its supposed to be hard.” Lol its just comical


This is simply not true. People are not overreacting, the latest hotfix has made it such that non-pet classes and non-tanks are mostly unable to clear t8 delves. To condescendingly state that ‘it’s supposed to be challenging’ in the face of a hotfix that nerfed all group comps is, as @Rynnox stated, tone deaf and willfully ignorant.


“But how else can I feel superior to people paying the same amount to get a good experience out of the game.”

/s because you never know


It is supposed to be challenging. You simply want to nerf it into the ground so you can walk in and five minutes later walk out with your Champion gear.

Ya lmao, “it’s supposed to be hard”, this is a bit different than that. I’m at 604 and getting 2 shot (not by any actual mechanics, mostly autos), actually one of the dumbest takes.


I think they overreached because their big challenge, Zekvir, was getting iced solo by players 3 days after S1 started.

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Oh are we strawmanning? You want to feel like the sweatiest sweater that ever sweated a keyboard. I swear video game ego needs to die


The only one that’s supposed to be a Challenge is the Zekvir vault. People shouldn’t have to feel like they are getting their teeth pulled in the low tier vaults.

Seriously go back and watch the blizzcon reveal where they talked about Delves.


It’s better than Mythic 0 gear. It’s supposed to be a challenge.