Delves could go one of two ways in season 2

That’s when the minibosses start appearing.

Have to be very careful with the pulls.

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Yeah, when I did my first T9 the mini boss was right in the first pack. I was wondering why it was taking so long to kill trash and im like… ohhhh…

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Yah I got smashed during one pull so next attempt I went a bit slower that was a wake up call

I hope they keep them as is. It’s nice to have a solo progression mode for a change. It’s a good tradeoff that it caps off earlier.


Solo progression, it’s not a hard concept and won’t work if gear is kneecapped at the end of season 1.

That would just reverse what they sold us, which was a way to progress your toon outside of group content.

They can’t sell us an apple and then decide it’s a banana, pick a lane.


As long as they increase the item level to be in line with where it is currently with mythics and raiding in season two everything will be good.


WoD begs to differ where ion ran off almost 6 millions and got promoted for it.

Microblizz are masters of bait and switch.


The loot system is already pretty bad with everything being a jewerly or cloak piece so why would they nerf it further?

As a pvper delves gives me the chance to gear up higher then conquest gear for open world stuff and nerfing it wont make me mythic+ or raid

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tier is free with the catalyst its not difficult to have full tier gear.

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I mean, you get one free on the off weeks of Sparks. So every two weeks, sure, there is a chance to spend it on a Tier piece. I just wonder how many people spent it on things like 571 or 584 gear

Yeh I think you’re guaranteed to have a 4 piece after 7 weeks and getting a few from the vault speeds it up, plus it drops in LFR

The rewards and vault loot are 100% gonna be nerfed. Too many people opting out of M+ for delve vault instead and they know it.

That’s a strong assumption. Many people who aren’t in M+ already opted out of it before this expansion. By nerfing what’s keeping us playing isn’t gonna force us back into that sandbox, but just further drive us away from the game. Sorry your sandbox isn’t as popular, but it’s mostly that communities fault. Same thing happened to PvP, people just weren’t that into it. People will play what they wanna play, and Delves are the only reason I came back for this expansion, that and to raid w/ guildies. Everything else is just extra fluff I don’t care about.


Totally agree. I like being able to log in, run a few delves at my own pace and not have to deal w pugs or long wait times for players.


I liked being able to take a break, we halfway through one and had to handle a situation with the kids… came back 20 minutes later and finished it up.

Had it been an M+ I would have been wasting my own time and my party would be mad they depleted a key


I would not be the least bit shocked if they do this to appease the raid and mythic+ players who complain about anything other than raids and mythic+ being a chore they must do.


Honestly i think the rewards from delves are fine as they are most people i know struggle hard with them solo.

As it is yeah you get a hero piece for doing 8’s in the vault but you gotta remember 99% of the rewards from delves arn’t the greatest their is a few decent items but most people are just preying for a teir piece to drop from the vault for them to get hero set.

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All that will encourage me to do is to cancel my sub again; I came back for the solo progression pillar.

If they wanna take it back, I walk. Simple as. I’m sure quite a few players also share this sentiment if I’m reading the general vibe of the forums here.

Now, if they want to offer an even HARDER difficulty for delves and think about offering a mythic track to the solo content, I’m totally on board.


Same sentiment! Gimme 11+ on delves, and lemme get heroic gear /w bonus mythic maps and mythic vault and I’m an even happier camper!

How many times does it need to be repeated that the audience for those game modes are not the same. The core audience of delves are people who have no interest in doing those things.

It’s simply a coincidence that the sweatiest players latched into delves as a stepping stone. And, that’s exactly what it was. They moved on, but the core audience who doesn’t care about m+ or progression raiding is still there every day running their bountifuls and having fun with it.

They’re not going to just go do m+ or raid if delves become not worth doing, they’ll just log off and go do something else. So, in reality what you’re suggesting just promotes people dropping their sub until the next big content patch.

You think Blizz is gonna want to “promote m+ and raids”, two things that don’t need any promotion, when it’ll cost them money to do it?