Delves could go one of two ways in season 2

All they need to do for S2 is to continue to tweak the balance between classes and roles.


You’re right. Challenge mode was better. More fun, more fair by de-leveling your items to a level anyone can acquire, actually harder, and only rewarded cosmetics as it should be.

I’m trying to be empathetic to the other side, because if people were using Delves to just bypass key levels they shouldn’t have been and bricked your key, then you have my sympathies.

But that’s why things like rating score is in the game and is actually not toxic lol. And why if you noticed somebody with low IO immediately trying to catapault themselves in a +7 with their delve gear, your flag shoulda been raised and you shouldn’t have attempted it. And really, Pugging sucks anyhow.

However, ruining Delves for the people who aren’t doing that doesn’t seem right. Never even signed up for a Mythic+ key this season and if I did, I would start at the very bottom and work my way up despite my ilvl. I think this mentality assumes too much that Mythic+ is the be end of all content for the game for all players, and that is what is ‘toxic’ - Mythic+ doesn’t need to be this content that permeates all other forms for everybody else. It has felt like that for too many expansions, and if the game didn’t evolve from that it would truly die.

Yeah I mean in dragonflight highest Key I ever completed was a +14 in the old system… and it took me weeks to get to that level. So people trying to get into an equivalent +17 so quickly would be suspicious…

But most of us are happy in our delves and have no desire to join or rejoin Toxic+ lol.


it would be a lot of lost subs.

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Well…they shouldn’t. I think Blizz has proven they definitely can though.

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That’s because they VASTLY overtuned M+, nerfed tanks, and gutted healing which makes it the most not fun end game progression path.

Fix M+, leave delves as they are.

Or they leave it the way it is , Loot addicts are going to remain loot addicts can’t change that . If they really were into playing with others and trying to overcome challenges then they wouldn’t be going to delves at all . If anything Delves proves for players in this game its all about the reward not about the challenge .

I also think the key squish, removing keys 2-10 is a big cause of this.

A lot of people used to cap out at like 5-7 key range I know personally that is where my alts usually stopped. I only pushed into 11+ with my main.

Now people who used to do +2 keys can do heroic which is like M0 and maybe M0 which is like old 10 but untimed and without fortified/tyran but those players are probably not doing the new +2 keys so they decided to do delves

They’ll get a lot of blowback from casuals wanting solo progression.

They’ll get blowback from people complaining classes like Druid, Paladin, and DK can solo much easier than others.

Either way, this forum will be awash in tears.


Pretty much this.

I think they’ll do like Torghast, by simply adding layers.

Now we have that boss one, I expect 1 more boss Delve per season. And something like the Gauntlet.


Full reset, 1-12. New boss, new followers, higher ilvl.

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