Delves could go one of two ways in season 2

So with all the feedback I think Blizz will react, and overreact in one of two possible ways.

Starting with season 2 the rewards from delves get cut hard, leading me encouraging people to get back into M+ and raiding if they want gear.

They go all in on delves, I’m talking higher than 11 and rewards higher than 8… like Delve + infinite scaling.

Not sure if either would be good, but what would you prefer and what do you think will happen? Or will it remain as is?

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The audience for delves is not the same as M+ or raids. This has to be repeated over and over and over.

They should not nerf delves to force people into content they do not want to do. People really need to understand this.


Got a feeling this is wishful thinking here. Chances are incredibly low that they spent all of this time designing delves, integrating them into the vault, and trying to funnel people into them…

Only to push them out and back into M+. Would people running M+ like that? Yes and no. They want to see the numbers but they don’t actually want those players in their groups.

Delves existing AND providing at least serviceable loot is a win/win for everyone.


Very hard to tell, there are actually ppl who struggle under 8 and at it. I’ve seen groups in LFG cap GV at the 7th tier.

Despite how ppl here feel about delves being easy, Blizzard has the data and will go from there. Hopefully does nothing too extreme.


This would probably get me to unsub.


I will support whatever they do, as long as it leaves Delves as a viable alternative to M+. If anything, I would prefer they err on the side of Delves.

M+ has been ruining most other gaming modes that people prefer for far too long now. I’ll be quite happy if M+ turns back into a niche mode for those that enjoy it, without being forced to either run them or have suboptimal gear.


another veiled “i really want delves rewards removed.” post


It was never this to begin with, though.

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It was, it used to be challenge modes. Then they morphed it into a loot pinata and invalidated raid loot below mythic, forcing people into running timed content they don’t enjoy. Heroic raid progression relied on gearing in M+ first for the majority of players because M+ was a joke compared.


I like the idea. No IO score, no sweaty juvenile 35 year old telling you to ‘get gud’. Sadly delves are just a temporary lure trying to lead folks who won’t touch a mythic+ to feel like they have to to progress.

Also there will be the inevitable reset of everything, evergreen is just a bait and switch, currency, your brann helper will become kobold joe, with a level of 1, and of course the gear nerf.

I know it, many others do too. The loss of any evergreen progression system is one of the many reasons I now find no motivation to bother playing after what 2 months? I know I’m not the only one.

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That’s an odd interpretation, considering right now I am ONLY doing delves I want them to stay around me if they go entirely unchanged I would call that a big W.

Blizz has a history of attempting to force people into certain content though so they can say “look how many people play X it’s a success!” They want delves to look good for sure, but I don’t think they want M+ to suffer as badly as it seems to be right now.

Rather than fixing M+ and making it better and more enticing to people they very well could just make the alternative unfun again.


Challenge mode was not M+.

M+ was built off the concept, but not the same. And M+ was never niche.

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Look at najatar, look at old xpac raids, NOTHING is evergreen. It’s a hamster wheel spinning nowhere.

tier sets are evergreen content at least. yes obtaining tier is one of the goals of wow

I tend to use logic and not hysteria, so here is what I think will happen:

Seasons 1, 2, and 3 already had gear scales prior to launch. They will remain unchanged and scale as they were built with Delves being stronger. It’s 20 years later and WoW is more SOLO-RPG than MMO-RPG, so they need to change with the times and make WoW more casual and solo friendly like every other MMO on the planet. They cannot be the same WoW they were in Wrath, and Legion taught them that lesson. TWW is only re-enforcing it.


it doesnt help that the dad population of this game which is a majority doesnt want it to change and the sight of delves makes them sick for some reason

I’m just glad it is not the main goal. :rofl:

WHA?! They get reset every season too. I don’t think you understand what I mean when I use that term, evergreen, that’s me not being able to explain myself clearly not you misunderstanding me.

yeah but its content that has been the same for 20 years

As a Dad (just turned 50), I’ve been playing since I was 31. Always a casual minus Wrath. During Wrath I was raiding ICC and Ulduar non-stop. But even as a Streamer, whose full time job it is to play games, I find very little joy in challenging content because of the players. I run the lowest possible form of content just to I can see the story and soak in the Lore. Have iLvL 700 gear and some sill achievement is far less important than understanding the Beledar is Naa’ru and as we fight this void in the world soul saga, Silvermoon and Quel’thalas are finally getting an upgrade and faction lines could very well be completely abolished in the next expansion.

So yeah, what gear I am wearing pales in comparison to the lore and where the story, and the solo game play are about to take me.