Delves could go one of two ways in season 2

Yup, even without delves the M+ is currently unsatisfactory to a lot of people.

I was doing keys on multiple toons in SL and DF, after taking a wow break during legion and BFA. I barely did any in season 4 and if delves weren’t around I doubt I would be doing keys now either


See my first response to the OP. Delves were not designed for M+/Raid fans. You will never force the people who enjoy delve content into those. They werent doing them before, or were doing so reluctantly, and they wont do them after. Different audience. It’s like forcing people to enjoy musicals who want to see a horror movie.


I have no idea how they’ll change them or even if they will.

I also have no preference. I like the delves but I’m not crazy about them.
I prefer more open world content to gear up and do things, having others around is fun to me and makes doing the open world content more fun.

I would form a group to run delves but I dislike the dynamics that can happen in groups and I don’t want to lead anyone anywhere as I tend to get lost and make mistakes and don’t need the aggravation of embarrassing myself publicly.
So that’s not going to happen.

However they do it will depend on how many breaks I take in this expac. Hoping Midnight will have more.
Be well.


I make an exception for my wife but I don’t really want others in my delves either. Solo tuning is where the easy mode is at.


Yeah, but it’s lonely too. Kind of reminds me of garrisons in WoD.

I found myself making friends with Leorahj like I’m doing with Brann, too.
I’m getting kinda weird.

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Well if they nerf delve rewards I’ll just quit since I don’t like Mythic+ or raiding as my endgame content. And I would encourage other people to do the same… ((gotta speak with your wallet)) there’s not enough hardcore and elitists to keep this game afloat without us. They just now introduced delves… I don’t see them doing anything that drastic until maybe next expansion.

They don’t need to be Delve+ or have infinite scaling either, blah to that. Mythic+ already exists for that…

A third option is they just keep them pretty much the same, with natural ilvl increase the way ilvl increases for everybody across the board when a new season comes out.


Quite the opposite. Blizzard has to nerf M+ to force players to raid because it is an antiquated end game and not as fun for most people.

Definitely is to me.

Doesn’t mean I want to see the mode removed tho, just accepted it’s no longer my cup of tea.

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I think mythic should be stopped at 5.
People can get high end gear from scaling delves.

See how that feels?

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Happens to the best of us after too much time on this game and forums. :smiley:

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Completely wrong. Heroic and normal raiding guilds were forced to run M+ as it offered better gear for a much easier difficulty. A lot of heroic guilds couldn’t use any loot that dropped in the heroic raid because they’d already gotten higher ilvl from easier M+ runs.

What’s happened is that Blizzard have now tuned M+ appropriately. It still offers great loot, it’s just that the difficulty matches the ilvl. All the people that enjoy running recycled timed, random-affix runs can keep doing that and gear themselves.

Everyone else can choose a method of gearing that they find more fun, without feeling forced to participate in M+.

The only people upset are those who wanted free mythic quality loot.

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Quite the opposite. Most of the best weapons and trinkets come from the raids. Used to be the only way to get tier in the 1st month or so as well. 6 weeks. You must be brand new.

M+ is rough because people have to pull their weight in them, so they aren’t well liked by many raiders.

I disagree.
I think a lot of M selection is based on percieved meta.


Some tiers perhaps. Most of my best trinkets were M+. Usually 1 at most from the raid.

Keep telling yourself that. All of the best raiders I play with would also smash M+ up to mid 20’s(not withstanding M+ being easier until you get to the old 20).

It’s unreal how far the “I want free mythic loot from M+” crowd goes to try and protect the loot pinata.

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You replied to me and I have no idea what you are talking about.

If you watched the Race to World First, there were a few times they took “breaks” to run M+ for gear.

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Perhaps, even likely.
My point still stands.

Yes it has alternated. Tier was locked to raids for 6 weeks until DF.

20s were never hard. Also, would coulda shoulda, Mr. Hidden Profile.

I love this season M+ and it is the first time I have enjoyed M+ since BFA. You will never find a post from me complaining about difficulty or loot.

I’d like more development on Delves. It offers playstyle, content, and a gearing path I enjoy.

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It never stops being funny to see people who champion for the removal of gear from a specific content but waste no time reaping the rewards from it.

Amazing self-awareness really.

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