Delves could go one of two ways in season 2

well i am when it comes to delves

Yeah instead of doing that they just need to limit them to solo Only. Either that or only Nerf group modes. Aka more than just you rewards are nerfed

That way the most rewarding way to do them is to do them solo. Leave solo mode alone


The game is already insanely compartmentalized and sectioned off, thereā€™s no reason to nerf Delves. Itā€™s like wanting to nerf PVP gear rewards just because it exists in itā€™s own box or something weird like that.

Unless the player base actively wants gear segregated even more, I wouldnā€™t be surprised at this point. Thereā€™s like no end to the policing and gate keeping.

The Zekvir stuff isnā€™t that involved though. itā€™s just a power boost as far as Iā€™ve seen, granted Iā€™ve only done to 8, so I might not be aware if it changes at higher levels.

What Iā€™m afraid of is stuff like random spawning orbs that rain down on you that you have to run through or they explode or every mob in the place puts a dot on you when they die, that sort of stuff.

hope they leave delves alone they are great for catch up gear the first day after hitting 80 for some quick 603 champion gear

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Raids are 4 items per 20 players, or something like that.
M+ are 2 items per 5 players.
Delves will get restructured similarly. Maybe not in S2, maybe not at all this expansion. But itā€™s inevitable.


Zekvirā€™s influence kind of feels like an affix already.

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Well you dont need to be and it does not help your position when you lash out at anyone pointing out that there is a strong possibility they are going to get nerfed.

Which i very much see happening because the amount of loot they reward is so insnae for how little effort it takes to get them. This is the first week since they opened T8 delves that i have not been getting 8 champ items a week, 1-2 heroic items from maps, and a heroic vault at the end simply because i dont need to do them anymore.

I have gotten somewhere around 20+ champ items, 4-5 heroic tiems from maps, and now 3 items from the vault at the end of this week.
All that loot took me a grand total of aboutā€¦idk, maybe 8 hours of game play? Thats a LOT of loot for that little time.

Im not here advocating that is be nerfed, but warning you should be prepared for it to be.

Only ppl who take issues with them are bottom-feeders that should be ignoredā€¦ There are already M+ players decked out in better gear than your usual delver.

Good for you, donā€™t like your acquisition rate, you could always not do it.

But it seems like you wasted no time receiving the benefit of the mode despite being you feeling like you ā€œshouldnā€™t be gearedā€ this early into the season.

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If they had to nerf delves, the way i would do it, to be the least impactful, is just remove the echos that would fix the problem.

higher than 8 they have rare elite packs they spawn in the dungeon usually on objectives many classes would have trouble soloing them without very good gear

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the problem for the M+ers with delves is that delvers are getting any gear at all worth a darn.

especially low end M+ers

ā€œthey killed our keys!! no one queues anymore!!ā€


No one wants blizzard to nerf delve rewards but letā€™s be real. This is blizzard. Instead of admitting the m+ changes were wrong, they will nerf delves and try to hammer that round peg into that square hole and only stop and oops after a player exodus.


to be fair they cant really nerf the rewards for the rest of the expansion since they sold the expansion primarily on delves and their reward levelsā€¦

if they do change the promise of heroic gear from vault and ā€œbetter gear than you could have ever gotten beforeā€ (aiming at the solo world crowd) it would be bait and switch and pitchforks.


Delves give good vault slots but otherwise are much slower than M+ for gearing.

You can target specific items by running certain dungeons and you can spam as many M+ keys as you want each week to farm higher gear. The gear from delves caps, even bountiful delves cap and the most you can do is 4 per day. You could run 5, 10 or 20 keys if you had time with a chance for loot every day

why were you ever subbed before then?

the reason why delves exist in the first place? have something to do for the world crowd


Yeah and the lower keys being empty is a result of them actually eliminating 10 steps. People used to start at +2 keys maybe double chest it and go to a +4 then climb up from there. Now itā€™s like hereā€™s a +12ā€¦ or you can do untimed 10s which is still hard for a lot of people, especially without seeing the dungeons at lower levels to learn mechanics.

And please no one suggest follower dungeons to lean mechanics as the mobs and bosses get nuked so quickly

No blizzard ruined mythic+ and it has little to do with delves


I donā€™t even want those players in Delve groups.

A pugged Delve is infinitely more difficult than a solo Delve, and for no increase in enjoyment or reward.

You should try to LFG it. Itā€™s awful. (But tons of people are doing it, nevertheless.)