Yep. Limiting delves to champion track would leave the same players seeing real upgrades at the same key levels.
A 619 champion piece still won’t be replaced unless secondaries are better until the same key levels.
Yep. Limiting delves to champion track would leave the same players seeing real upgrades at the same key levels.
A 619 champion piece still won’t be replaced unless secondaries are better until the same key levels.
Running content for early tier at heroic level isn’t going to be a temporary problem. Higher end players will have to run delves for that alone.
You do realize that those people are self players right?
The people that can get away with skipping key levels are people that already know what they are doing.
Ion specify people that don’t know what they are doing.
Either I do it or I don’t get to play my content.
Early season mythic isn’t like raiding heroic where it doesn’t matter.
Because most of those people aren’t good at the game and have zero idea the difference in difficulty.
Only if you don’t know class basics.
Factually not true.
People without a clue really should stop
Pushing this lie.
There it is again. That’s the basis for all 200 of your posts on this topic. Crying because you’re fOrCeD to do a few delves.
Nope just stating a fact. I’m sorry you can’t understand basic facts though.
Continue being mad though.
For a few weeks. In one season. Rofl.
The fact you can’t understand that getting more options for hero track early season isn’t just a “single season” issue you’re not informed enough to be in this conversation.
Anyone who feels forced to do delves is either in a bad guild or is completely pushing that on themselves lmao
I don’t think that 20 minutes over the course of a week to add an extra hero option to your vault is an issue, correct.
40 minutes to add two.
Yes. I cannot say this constitutes a problem for the game that you feel compelled to devote that time.
LOL well that is what is going to happen. Blizz isn’t going to totally redo their gear structure in the middle of the xpac.
My point was I don’t really care what the number on my gear is or what “track” its on. I care about the content and progression being balanced in a way that feels good. And to me delves do atm.
I get that some people DO care about the number on their gear and whether it say Champ or Hero or whatever. They care a lot. They probably sit around Dornogal inspecting people so they can compare their stats. lol They care so much they want other avenues gear nerfed to make themselves feel better.
HoF runners would like a word with you
Okay, so the top of the very top feel pressured to pushing meta. I guess that means we should design the rest of the game around them lmao
That’s not how you use the word “meta”.
Strawman. You said only bad guilds would have players being forced into delves.
Talk about Hello Kitty MMO is that way →
Don’t let the door getcha
If you don’t share my opinion you don’t deserve to talk.
If I lived in my mom’s basement, wasn’t married, didn’t have a job or a house sure.
But adding another chore no matter how easy it is doesn’t make it less annoying.
Which is why Blizz explicitly stated they weren’t going to make selves feel
Mandatory and they failed.
Really pulling out all the stops now aren’t we?
4 weeks to hit rewards threshold in M+ does not make me a sweatlord, mate.
Unless you’re asking questions to better educate yourself on a subject, that’s usually how it works.
Imagine not understanding nuclear physics but thinking your opinion on the matter of how it works is worth hearing?
Same rules apply.