Delves being “too rewarding” is not a problem created by delve players

and blizz aint on their side this time so they are mad and doubling down

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First half is for sure. Since that’s all you need for hero track drops and vault…

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Even the second half is a bit of a joke if your crew is even remotely capable of coordinating.


If people are only running them for free hero gear, that’s honestly just proof they are over-rewarding. I’m confident that once they don’t want inflated numbers they’ll adjust rewards to proper levels and we’ll see the uproar again, hopefully they do that sooner rather than later though.

I mean, people should just say it at this point: This has nothing to do with the health of the game. They just don’t want bad players to have opportunities to get better gear lol

If they cared at all about the health of the game, they would consider what delves actually do that benefit the game’s health, which are:

  1. Less people are spending money and gold boosting because they now have a gear track.
  2. More people are spending time playing the game.

To me, these are critical in an online game, and while it doesn’t entirely squash these issues, it is a step in the right direction.

You only care about any of this if you’re someone deeply obsessed with how other people are having fun lmao


a hero piece of gear once a week and might not even be a good upgrade or a repeat

take the L bro

‘i’m not owned! im not owned!!’, i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

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You still don’t understand how Delve gear works. It’s okay, you’ll figure it out someday “bro”

I don’t foresee Blizzard nerfing the loot anytime soon. Setting delve engagement numbers aside, quite a sizeable portion of your typical “solo player” has really taken a liking to them. It’s enough that I think kicking delves in the balls would put a genuine dent in their sub numbers.

They basically walked themselves right into a corner with this one.

Edit: Whoops. Replied to the wrong post initially.


oh hey, i can get 1 upgrade +3 within 15 delves. out of 90 upgrades potential

sooo rewarding.

We have at least one of these trolls admit it:


It was that all along. That’s why the goalpoast got move’s 100’s of times, because they had no point. It really stems from just wanting to feel superior. Which is lame imo. Nobody cares what anyone does in the game. Even Mythic raiders a few days after they world first people are already forgetting.


Let’s not add that Heroic tracked gear appears specifically in the Vault and in Delve Map Chests. Both of which you can’t really farm.

yeah who won that again?


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I just pug so can only say that even if they aren’t capable of coordinating that the first four are still pretty easy.

i havent had a map drop in a long time. i think they nerfed it

it’s like 5% drop rate.

Delves are over-rewarding, except when they aren’t because, from your own words, other gear progression tracks are fine lol

They’re over-rewarding, except when they aren’t because, from firsthand testimonies from CE raiders in this very thread, they haven’t touched delves beyond the first week of the season lol

You continue to prop delves up as this sort of immovable force that nobody can ignore because of the copious amounts of gear it distributes, yet at every turn it’s made abundantly clear that they aren’t actually that big of a deal, you’re just making them a big deal lmao


Maps are myths and I will never get the 10 maps achievement.

then i was really lucky the first few weeks

i had a map drop back to back a lot of times

enter a map delve and a map drops