You’re either trolling or just entitled. If you want Mythic level gear, do hard content. Hero track shouldn’t come from braindead delves.
it doesnt come from delves
it comes from the vault
Blizzard disagrees with you.
It does come from delves, both in vault and end-of-delve. Why you feel the need to come and be wrong, I’ll never know.
i am not entitled i am not trolling i was pointing out your bias you showed it i mearly was saying what needs to happen for gear.
yeah blizzard is happy with the delves and the ilvl loot they drop
ion in particular
I showed it by showing facts? Lol
Blizzard is happy making delves over-rewarding to encourage more interaction with them. That’s not at all shocking.
now you’re putting words in blizzards mouth
take the L bro
I do hope they eventually introduce something else, maybe using Horrific Visions as the basis, to allow myth track gear without need of a raid group. I’m sure that would get a huge amount of pushback from certain demographics, but I don’t see a problem as long as the reward matches the challenge.
The only people catching L’s are the ones who claim that they are struggling or wiping to T8 delves in champion and hero gear.
those are no reason to at all for delves to get less gear those are not facts they are opinions and as i said blizzard should keep ignoring anti good rewards for delves.
This is a larger percentage of people than I think any of us realize or would want to admit if we did. Most of this game’s players are bloody awful, mate.
The fact it’s not at the level of other content dropping hero track is the reason. If it’s going to be tuned to heroic dungeons and LFR, it should drop equivalent gear.
delves are not for you and thats okay - blizz
i love heroic visions i would love torghast again but as current content we need more hard solo content that gives good rewards equal to raiding and mythic plus delves were the best thing this expansion blizzard brought.
Problem is, nobody is going to do them if that’s the case. The reward is most of the reason anybody touches them. They’re really just not fun. 1-9 are too easy, and 10-11 are either also too easy or decide to blow you up with a bunch of weird, uncounterable jank that had no business making it through testing.
My perspective is basically that anyone who can “faceroll” a T8 could “faceroll” the first four in a heroic pug and could be clearing normal for champion track anyhow.
The disparity in difficulty vs reward when it comes to delves vs raids is minimal at most.
blizzard says otherwise and hence we get good gear.
people like you who want to destroy solo progression.
Ngl, heroic raids are pretty damn easy now.