Personal challenge is a fine motive. I do T11 Delves. Why? For the challenge. I don’t believe there is any competition or ratings associated with Delves, and if there were, I wouldn’t really care (though I’d be interested in who the top folks are!)
Who is trying to cling to the past? Wanting the game to be healthy isn’t some era-specific design philosophy. This thread isn’t delve vs. M+, or pro-delve vs. anti-delve. It’s people who want a healthy game vs. people who are overcome with jealously and hyperfocused on ilvl because of it.
You’re only pro-delve in the sense that a parent who lets their kid eat ice cream for breakfast every day is pro-kid. If delves had released as a standalone game people would be immediately blasting the devs for screwing up the progression curve so badly. The only reason any delve players at all see it as a good thing is because they’ve come to value ilvl due to the prestige it historically is indicative of.
This thread is filled with conspiracy theories, including the original one that anyone is attacking delves, in response to people identifying an outlier which represents poor game design and which is having a corrosive effect on other parts of the game, and wanting it fixed. It’s pure insanity. It’s the system design version of mentally stunted morons screaming “FUN DETECTED WEE WOO WEE WOO” when their spec that is performing two standard deviations above the average is brought in line. Then half of the “middle-ground” suggestions are just the same common follow-up of “WHY NOT JUST BUFF ALL THE OTHER SPECS INSTEAD OF NERFING?!?” Like yeah, great idea, ruin the progression curve of all content to avoid triggering the irrational emotions of dimwits.
You people have the critical thinking capabilities of a middle school child.
Lucrend isn’t even focused on Ilvl else, he’d be complaining that we aren’t using Legion numbers anymore. (We’d be over 1000.) It’s simply “number go up.” Doesn’t matter what the number was initially, or what it ends up as. Just it can’t go down, much like the stock market.
Is not something you decide. It’s up to the devs. Solo players actually having some progression is healthy for the game. Wasn’t this exactly what raiders did when M+ was introduced? Wasn’t there a cry saying M+ was too rewarding and will destroy the game?
No, it’s people like me who want to keep their solo power progression vs people like you who want to take it away or nerf it into irrelevance.
I can tell you, you are 100% wrong. Prestige…lol. That’s a thing of the past. Nobody in the current game sits around the capital ooooo’ing and aaahhhh’ing at the “elites and their ilvl”. I guarantee it.
Those other parts of the game need to be fixed. Focus on fixing M+ problems and not trying to destroy other’s progression pillar.
You need to get a grip on reality. You’re so angry it’s gone from funny to sad.
I must have you all kinds of bothered lol.
And now you make any raiding outside of mythic less rewarding and just push the pissed off group on them. While I enjoy delves and use them to gear up my non-raiding alts, I do it solely due to how rewarding them are for the low difficulty.
Just explaining your stance so others don’t waste their time.
I don’t want my solo progression path destroyed or nerfed because a few certain players cry and whine about it.
But you don’t care about that. If world quests dropped mythic raid gear, you’d be defending to keep those.
You can’t tell me what I do and don’t care about.
My progression path would change. You can’t seem to actually understand that…
So its fine that the path changes if and only if it go up?
No one is trying to deny solo players progression. Your reading comprehension is just non-existent.
Weren’t raiders precisely correct that M+ was too rewarding to begin with? I’m a PvP player who is doing my first season of PvE since before seasons existed.
No idea. I do know that no one is seriously saying that delves will destroy the game. Plenty of people have correctly identified that delves being overrewarding has cut off the legs of PvE content, including delves themselves. Everyone I see you railing against is just saying that delves need to be brought in line with other forms of content in terms of effort:reward, whichever way that happens.
There’s nothing healthy about advocating for gear nerfs to delves lol
You solve nothing with the gear nerfs except funneling people back into the same gear treadmill they’ve always participated in to achieve higher levels of gear, I.E. gold carries, which is infinitely unhealthier for this game lol
Didn’t raiders claim they were “forced” to do M+ if they wanted to keep up? Why couldn’t raiders just stick to raiding and ignore M+? Why did they move over just to “go up”?
There is, it’s called parity between difficulty and rewards. If T8 delves drop hero track, then at the bare minimum LFR and Mythic 0, though probably just heroic dungeons, should also drop hero track.
That’s why M+ rewards have been scaled back, they were way too high.
Oh sorry, you want my power progression nerfed not denied.
No. Also despite all the crying, M+ stayed insanely rewarding for years until this current season.
No wonder you’re so insulting and aggressive.
Other content needs to be brought up and more rewarding. That’s the bottom line.
Sure. Lfr and heroic dungeons should drop hero track
Now look what you have, one of the worst M+ seasons in the game’s history. It’s almost unpuggable. M+ rewards need to be buffed.
Then delves 4-7 should drop champ track.