No we don’t.
No it’s not.
No we don’t.
No it’s not.
My goodness, you and the other loot Karen are more unreasonable than the people arguing in the US politics troll threads
Why do you even play this game?
Is there a point you forgot to attach to this post?
That’s not an issue with delves. That’s an issue with M+ and other forms of content not feeling rewarding enough.
Creating two more tracks, and leaving delves behind is the same thing.
How else do you make those more rewarding? Tripling loot from them also works (not really) cause delves is still less effort.
It’s an issue with delves. The other content is fine
Because this isn’t possible in group content, as you’ve had explained to you repeatedly but refuse to understand. Cultural mores may be technically in people’s heads, but they create a reality that is immutable. If I decide to only progress via M+ I’ll just be declined from groups on repeat, or have no one apply for my own groups, because my ilvl will be very obviously lacking.
Delve-only players’ ability to choose not to engage in any other pillar is entirely unique to them. It’s also why the overrewarding nature of delves can be fixed in either direction, because it doesn’t matter which band of ilvl delve players have their progression in. If they were a new form of group content (primarily) the only option would be to increase their difficulty.
Nerfed relative to what? If you have X ilvls to burn through it literally doesn’t matter where over the heroic dungeon ilvl spectrum they lie, so long as the content you’re engaging with is tuned for it. Delves have no actual need for equivalent gear to M+ or raiding, because it is solo content and can be tuned for whatever gear it provides. What delves need is a healthy progression curve, which the current tuning of delves has also ruined.
So they were correct and Blizzard just took ages to respond.
Not insulting at all. You are actually a moron. If you were wearing a red shirt and I said you were wearing a red shirt, would that be insulting?
This would just cause further harm to the game. The answer to delves removing the bottom-end of gear progression from end-game PvE isn’t to cement that problem. That would be an utterly inane response. You can either make delves sufficiently difficult to match their gear progression curve, or you can reduce the power of their rewards to match their difficulty curve. There is no third option that is correct.
From an average player standpoint, yes we do.
Who said anything about creating more tracks? I certainly didn’t.
Then you’re not playing for fun you’re playing for “number go up”
You do understand that impact that would have upon normal/heroic raiding and mythic+ below like 7s? The solution isn’t to just trash the majority of the reward tracks, when you have just one outlier.
Truth here.
You are not doing the toughest, coolest, most prestigious track just because your rewards are far and few between. If the reward basis feels off it is because it IS off. Delves feel great right now because there feels like a balance of input and output. I put in some effort on a bountiful t8 and I get something I might be able to use… or I get another ring / cloak / trinket that is crap. And I go again. Also - this is a perfect way to level / gear alts because Brann was leveling up with your main(s). I love this aspect of delves.
In short - do not nerf delves. Adjust other end-game tracks to address the loot disparity. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
I think my point is, most people play this game as a leisure activity.
While you and a few others are getting spun up over loot other people you won’t play with are getting from content you aren’t playing.
People are either playing said content, or playing with others that have played said content. They are affected.
If delve gear can’t be used outside of delves, (like PVP gear) people wouldn’t care if it’s ilvl is over 9000.
If the other content is rewarding enough then why do you care at all about any of this lol
Sure, and I never claimed otherwise. Again, my response was just pointing out that it isn’t impossible for content to be enjoyed without rewards. Just because M+ isn’t such content for many doesn’t mean other content couldn’t fit such criteria.
That’s not a fair comparison because of what those rewards are. Gaining power is an important factor in any RPG, and gear is the primary way we gain power in a world without the seasonal borrowed power systems. The rewards from the keys up to 10 are required to reach the higher keys in the first place. Take those away, and nearly nobody would even be able to reach the keys above that.
If there were another form of progression in keys that wasn’t gear, then we’d be able to see this play out for M+ only players. But since gear is the character progression and players engage in other game modes, we can’t really draw a conclusion regarding what the impact would be if M+ didn’t have gear rewards.
Is there a particular number of times after which an explanation will actually stick? Because you’ve had it explained to you literally dozens of times at this point.
No one is spun up but you. You are attaching emotion to our posts because you yourself are emotional. We’re laying out pretty dispassionate logic in our posts.
Lol what? You aren’t intelligent. You aren’t even average. You have below average critical thinking and comprehension skills and are ruled by irrationality. You are, by any definition, a moron. That is an objective assessment of you based on your posts in this thread.
You aren’t playing with those mythical awful casuals applying to your groups doing keys far beyond what they ought to be doing, because you’re hitting the decline button based on IO.
And honestly how many people are even trying to do this? One in 2000?
It’s not affecting you, get over yourself
Sure, it’d be scuffed for a season, then Blizz would add new upgrade tracks, shift it around, and the people in this thread would be happy that their gear still said hero on it.
Obviously the better solution is to adjust delves but people here really are throwing a fit at the idea.
World first raiders even have delve items equipped.
It’s not even casuals doing delves, it’s people of similar skill, that’s the issue.