Delves being “too rewarding” is not a problem created by delve players


Lmao, even.


T11s, if they upped some of the avoidable damage sources and boss mechanics, are in a pretty good place for the rewards that are given. The issue is that T8s are absolutely trivial for giving hero track.

Why should you be the Arbiter of what should and should not be?


Nah that’s not right.

I won’t argue that T8s seem easy, but it’s hard to remember what they were like before my brann leveled up. A high level brain trivializes T8 even for fresh 80s. But that’s a totally separate issue. And that seems to be intended… that once you gear up, it’s easier to gear alts (like with the crest discount)

As for T11s, are you actually doing them as a non prot spec? Afaik, every single boss mechanic (like “don’t stand in this”) is a guaranteed 1-shot, and the unavoidable mechanics mostly require cooldowns. The only exceptions I can think of are on heavy-melee bosses like waxface. These are actual gear walls that require increasing your ilevel to beat. And for many specs, this enforces implicit timers. Again, I only play certain classes, but for example on my mage, I can cycle through mirror images, barrier, alter time, block, shimmers,etc. And maybe I can stretch it out enough to use a few of them multiple times, but eventually I’ll run out, and then I’m dead, if I haven’t done the 125M or whatever damage. This doesn’t happen on prot specs, or maybe other specs with better self-sustain. But for other specs, it really just requires gear.

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Brann makes you immortal for non-tanks.


I don’t know what you’re saying, but it doesn’t sound right.

healing potions basically do that. You heal so much.

They don’t all one-shot at 615-616 range, even on arms. Some do, everything else Brann will comfortably heal you through.

No. Delves’ gear rewards are just about right, particularly with the limits on getting them.

No, they are extremely inflated to drop hero track loot at current difficulty level.

You don’t seem to do anything else in the game.

You get bored when you couldn’t “gotcha” me in the other thread? lol

Guess that’s something you’ll just have to deal with

If you treat gear as the purpose, then sure. But when viewing gear as a means to an end, M+ actually has a reason to get the best gear in the game. Mythic raid can be completed without full mythic raid gear, the fact the loot is so stingy and there is no gear bump from the vault shows this. Meanwhile no matter what item level M+ gets, there will be a key level that is mathematically impossible to complete.

Blizzard still places this level of prestige on mythic raiding; I mean Blizzard won’t make obvious balance changes during RWF.

But in terms of the time players spend, this hasn’t been true since raid or die contributed to the biggest known exodus of subs in the game’s history in WoD. Having a game mode that can be PUGed at nearly the highest level that only requires a 30 minute time commitment is a huge win for the game. There are a lot of players that can’t or won’t commit the time to raid; M+ gives those players a challenging outlet, when many otherwise would move on to other games.

I’m not so sure that’s true for all bosses. But even setting that aside, that only gets the crests; players have to get through +10 for the myth track gear to get above the 626 hero gear caps out at.

With all that said, I’ve said for years now that M+ rewards are too lucrative for their key level, at least at the high end. You won’t find me disputing that M+ is easier than it should be. It’s just a different animal when the imbalance is at the top of the scale rather than the bottom. Despite raiders insisting the highest key for reward is a mindless face roll, it’s always been at a level that required significant skill expression and time to complete. It wasn’t ever as tough as mythic raid, but you also couldn’t AFK while your AI companion soloed every fight after an unlimited amount of time; but players can get 7-8 champion piece of gear and a heroic piece doing exactly that every week.

If they nerf delves then M+ should get nerf. Have keys un reward loot up to 3 times, If people want to run higher then its for the content not the gear. M+ people are the new raiders. Cry over people getting gear. Grow up.


A +2 is harder than T8 delves, mate.

Personally I think low keys should have extra guaranteed drops — Then higher keys have the same drop chance / RNG they have now.

Because it provides an incentive & reward feature for starting players (as well as those returning to the game) → Along with giving benefit to those who may have fallen behind & desire to push further, without feeling like they’re getting nothing out of it :dracthyr_nod:

I agree 100%

Personally I find delves reward system to be fine as it is now. :person_shrugging:
It’s still quite time consuming & can prove irksome with its own challenges.

  • As for the silly argument people have about “Outgearing” it to become easier — Lmao, the same could be said for M+ depending on the key …

Anyway, like I said above: I think providing more rewards for lower-keys and perhaps even preventing low keys from decreasing (unless requested to panda-lady) → Would prove beneficial to overall playerbase community :slight_smile:

There are probably some things that don’t literally 1-shot, like Spinshroom’s Fungalstorm or whatever, because it’s multiple hits. But that’s not really super relevant to the argument. These are the things you should be able to avoid. The unavoidable stuff is really what requires gear (and that includes regular melee hits). You’re trying to suggest that you don’t need hero track gear to beat T11’s and that is totally not true outside of tanks (and like I keep saying, maybe there are other chosen specs that i don’t know about which can deal with the incoming damage in some way).

edit: just to clarify, I’m not saying it’s IMPOSSIBLE to beat a T11 without hero gear. It’s just not normal, and almost certainly not what blizz has in mind.

There’s a reasonable number of mechanics that can be healed through, mostly any spell that deals damage over time instead of upfront like the Curse of Agony. As for the unavoidable hits, those are very low prior to 11 for what they are rewarding, Blizzard either doesn’t know how hard things hit in other instances or (and more likely imo) made the “recommended ilvl” higher than the actual tuning level.

I am hoping that player housing will be the thing Blizz rewards delves and World Content with. So that gear rewards wouldn’t matter too much.

I can see Blizz putting in plans and patterns for housing stuff into delves. Maybe add a token vendor. After you collect 100 token you can buy a curtain pattern for your house or be able to craft curtains to sell on the AH. It would make it more evergreen.