My word man you need to learn what context is.
You’re taking two responses to different discussions out of context.
Again you aren’t even arguing in good faith at this point.
My word man you need to learn what context is.
You’re taking two responses to different discussions out of context.
Again you aren’t even arguing in good faith at this point.
It’s not a single player game, you don’t need to be in delves for someone else doing delves to have an impact.
Rewarding appropriate gear for the challenge isn’t “soul-crushingly punishing”.
Except for the other heroic pieces. Also, it’s certainly excessive compared to the difficulty, of which there is an abject lack.
Or you could explain your stance better. It’s not my job to deduce your position on the matter. You state that it’s affecting the game and that it’s a requirement, but then you also state that you haven’t touched the mode since the start of the season, which doesn’t really sound like a requirement in the slightest lmao
It kind of is though.
People…are dumb.
They will sign up to a key they have no business being in, that key will get bricked, people get mad, everyone has a bad experience, people stop playing WoW, Blizzard loses money.
The goal for Blizzard should be to provide the best service possible to the people enjoying their game, and sometimes that can involve guardrails preventing players from making poor choices in attempting content they aren’t ready for.
It is though. Like c’mon bro we all know there is a Pacific Ocean sized chasm with regards to skill between your CE raiders and your casual delve runners that just like to tmog run and collect mounts.
It’s totally fine if casual players get 1 free piece of heroic track gear for easy content.
Warfronts basically did the same thing as the delve vault, they were just giga boring whereas it seems like some people are genuinely enjoying delves as their main gameplay mode.
Either way people are probably going to stop paying. Its loss vs loss and Delves arent probably going to continue on just like all the other “new” systems that attempted over the expansions. What happened to Warfronts? Expeditions? Garrison? These things impacted either dungeons or raids in some way and were just forgotten.
Blizzard needs to wise up and figure out new content that is going to give gear is going to impact other parts of the game.
It is always the players who think they are CE or World First Raiders that blame world content rewards for being too good for their progression issue. lol
It’s truly not. If you think it is, that’s on you.
I think you’re underestimating the gain the first 2-3 weeks because as a tank it’s not as important for you to get tier/key trinkets like candle.
Most of the gearing mythic raid ready guides pushed delves the first two/three weeks.
Yeah cuz delves are pretty chill and during the first few weeks they could potentially give something you would use.
Still my point stands this was short term gains and didn’t really matter in the long run. Like…if you REALLY hate delves you could have just not done them ever and by week 5 nobody would ever notice.
It’s truly not. If you think it is, that’s on you.
I mean people whose main gameplay mode is delves are people who are not good at this game.
If you are a bad player it would be super punishing and you are just gonna quit if delves get buffed to the point where you can’t even do the casual solo content.
There’s tiers to delves, currently 11 of them and I suspect that they can add more without the engine imploding. T1 wouldn’t be heroic raid level, but the tier that drops heroic level gear should be roughly equivalent. Casual shouldn’t mean “free hero gear”.
You don’t need to be good at m+ for it to be your main game mode.
People do play below +8s.
Or six even.
It is always the players who think they are CE or World First Raiders
I literally have a CE achievement lol.
that blame world content rewards for being too good for their progression issue. lol
Bro you are so disconnected to the actual discussion. No one is blaming delve rewards for progression issues.
Yeah cuz delves are pretty chill and during the first few weeks they could potentially give something you would use.
The other reason was for a chance at heroic tier. I’m not talking about a piece to catalyze but an actual hero tier piece.
Still my point stands this was short term gains and didn’t really matter in the long run. Like…if you REALLY hate delves you could have just not done them ever and by week 5 nobody would ever notice.
Ehh im still wearing hero legs because rng favored me elsewhere
Taking a hero tier piece wasn’t awful especially if it gave you a set bonus.
I have a day job so I can’t just post here all day and night, but I’ve seen this discussed in other threads, and I agree with it
You’ve got 30+ posts in this thread alone. It was a rhetorical question. The fact remains you’re going off base with what the “problem” is and making something new for what isn’t being discussed (the definition of a strawman).
You do know they’re not nerfing Delve gear right? Have you been paying attention to what Blizz has been saying this whole time? Multiple times?
They did say they’re looking at the on ramp for mythics and will do something. So, no matter how much you want delves to drop champion track gear max. It’s trivial discussion. It’s not going to happen.
I’m aware. This whole “drop hero track to champ” track is under the assumption they do nothing to the tuning, and it’s going based off of your “just increase m+ rewards”.
There’s a few ways they can adjust M+ to help them out,
The issue isn’t m+ lol it was said the issue was transitioning from delves to m+. Which leads to your discussion of “just increase lower m+ rewards” which has it’s own entire set of problems that you turn a blind eye to because:
it’s not even my concern
You don’t mind creating problems for the rest of the player base as long as you get what you want. Whereas my discussion is about balancing for the entire game for all players.
Only if your ilvl is the most important thing to you, which for most people using delves as their end game it isn’t important in the slightest. If it was they wouldn’t be doing delves as their end game.
No that’s 90% of delvers discussion is in relation to their ilvl.
If it wasn’t, then they wouldn’t be upset about the idea of a nerf to their rewards as all they’re concerned about is playing in delves and not having fun.
Yet there’s only been like 2 out of the hundreds of folks that focus on delves that said they’d be okay with that lol.
2/3 of my guild hasn’t touched M+ for the entirety of the time I’ve been here
I haven’t either, but it’s sucks being stuck at 619. M+ has it much easier. Looks like I will be forced into them this week even though I hate the entire gearing path. Meanwhile, M+ people don’t have to touch raids at all. That seems backwards considering the game traditionally revolves around raiding.
M8 is not comparable at all to Mythic Raids.
Warfronts basically did the same thing as the delve vault, they were just giga boring
I actually liked Warfronts. It gave me a no pressure venue to start getting comfortable with my healing spec. Unfortunately other things cut my time in BFA short before I really moved on to much else but I really wish we had something like that now to give folks a place to kind of “practice” their tank and heal roles before jumping into other content.
That is really one of the things stopping me from doing more healing or moving on is just the fact I don’t want to be one of those people jumping up and bricking people’s keys but there really isn’t a comfortable way to make that transition.
4 weeks to hit rewards threshold in M+ does not make me a sweatlord, mate.
Bro, come on. Only about 15% of people have KSH now, it would have been half that a month ago. I mean, you may not be as sweaty as some other people, but compared to the average m+ player, you’re a sweat lord mate.
And no judgement on my end, I just think people who push elite content complaining about casual content is kind of silly.
I’ve done it and hated it.
Hmm, must not enjoy the content
There’s tiers to delves, currently 11 of them and I suspect that they can add more without the engine imploding. T1 wouldn’t be heroic raid level, but the tier that drops heroic level gear should be roughly equivalent. Casual shouldn’t mean “free hero gear”.
A couple things…
Sure they can add more tiers, but would those be higher than the current ones? Already the T11 ones require pretty good gear unless you’re a spec that happens to trivialize content like this. Most specs have no chance of completing delves below ilevel 610. So it doesn’t seem realistic to reduce the ilevel of rewards unless they reduce the difficulty (or realistically, the incoming damage) of upper tier delves.
It’s not free gear. It costs approximately $15/month. You need to get some perspective, buddy.