Delves being “too rewarding” is not a problem created by delve players

I’m actually slightly sympathetic to the concept of Delves draining the pool of M+ players because it’s easier to get gear. That’s unfortunate, but I don’t necessarily see it as a problem with Delves. When people leave high-tax New York for no-tax Florida, they don’t blame Florida for having something better.

I’m less sympathetic to the concept that high-end guilds force their players to farm Delves. If you’re hardcore, just do it man. I was a hardcore raider ages ago when they introduced Arena, and you could argue about whether Arena was ‘easier’, but what’s not arguable is that some of the PvP gear was BETTER than Raiding gear FOR PVE, AND you eliminated RNG and could select a missing slot to fill. Doing arena was required for high end raiding. If you’re gonna be hardcore, geez, just be hardcore.

As for the argument about “harder content should award harder gear”. Well, it does. You can not get myth gear from Delves whatsoever. Now, if we’re going to quibble about the precise level of difficulty of a specific M+ tier vs. a Delve tier, then we are not talking about absolutes, and it’s subjective. That’s a fine argument to have, I won’t dispute that M+7 is harder than T8 (though I don’t actually know bc I’ve never done an M+) but the fact remains that there is intended to be progression in Delves. If you’re not a prot warrior (or maybe some other specs that I don’t know because I don’t play them), getting a full set of 603 is not likely to help you to beat a T11. It doesn’t seem realistic that they could squish the difficulty level of Delves to make a meaningful progression from T8 to T11 without making it way too easy, and thus destroying progression.

Lastly, if the issue is the “farmability” of 610 gear in Delves by spamming maps, or 603 gear by doing all the extraneous things to get extra shards, then that’s great. Nerf the heck out of that. I seriously doubt anybody that’s a pure “Delver” like me is doing crazy farming like that, and I doubt anybody in that demographic would care one bit if they hard-capped maps at 1 per week and keys at 3. I’ve been doing 8 delves a week on my “main” at T8 (aside from the occasional T11 for fun) and I’m at ilevel 614. That seems like a totally reasonable progression, given where the end of the content lies. Remember, T10 is “recommended” for ilevel 623.


Hey some times guilds are desperate for a tank and considering prot is pretty strong….

I’m not faulting him for skipping ahead, but it’s different compared to someone that’s been with the guild all the way.

Are you talking about me?

Not hard to look up my guild prog, we are on last phase of Silken Court right now, I’m playing BDK on that fight and Brood and Princess. Gonna play pally on Queen tho.

So you did delves on your other characters?

I did delves on my DK the week before the season started when there was nothing else to do. Haven’t touched a delve on him since the season began tho.

more or less like everyone else then. Not someone super special that skipped delves.

Wait so you are seriously complaining about doing delves for 1 week in the preseason LOL?


it’s an annoyance that Snozay thinks the game is better without.

I think the only reason to nerf delves is to satisfy lower skill players.

Game would be better for me if delves awarded lower ilvl but it’s like an annoyance people accept, like leveling,

It’s also bad for game design purposes.

That’s not even been my argument. My argument was that delves are over rewarding and it’s affecting other game modes.

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This is a terrible take.

Delves are there for solo players who don’t like group content. The gear is irrelevant the moment the actual season starts, and you really don’t need to do them if you truly can’t stand them, as evidenced by the character I am posting on.


But it’s not. It’s an alt that you swap to. Not a main.

If everyone rejects delves, your guild’s power would be gimped. (esp this season.) Next season, idk, depends on unlock schedule.

This is also false. Delve rewards are fine, Blizzard just needs to find a way to solve the problem that is delve players looking to graduate and test out M+ and starting at a +7 when they don’t know the dungeon mechanics.

This problem can be solved without touching the loot, just make it so you can’t Queue LFG for keys until you have met some basic minimum requirements, such as doing the key on a 0 before queueing into a 3, and then a 3 before a 5, etc.

Now your delvers can graduate to M+ and focus on learning the dungeons (which is what they really should be focused on if they want to start playing keys anyways) rather than the ilvl in the chest at the end of the run.


The solution there is to make delves appropriately difficult or to make the rewards appropriate low level to match.

This is precisely what “Affecting other game modes” means by the way.

I think you’re underestimating the gain the first 2-3 weeks because as a tank it’s not as important for you to get tier/key trinkets like candle.

Most of the gearing mythic raid ready guides pushed delves the first two/three weeks.

Yes any hero track is more of a short term gain than anything but gaining tier sets were big value early on.

His main is a DK and it’s 6/8.

Tanks swapping based on boss is very common for that level.

No it wouldn’t. We would all be missing one piece of free hero track loot, which we could easily just farm in M+ once the season starts.

So the op is whining because other people are getting gear in a matter that they don’t like? How old are you? Six? :sweat_drops:


The problem can be solved without doing anything. People can just make their own groups. If they take rando’s into their keys then they risk getting bricked. This isn’t a problem Blizz needs to solve.

If you haven’t touched delves within the first 1-2 weeks of the season, then it’s not affecting any other game mode at all.

So again, I assert that you’re whining about nothing lmao


I disagree. The type of player attracted to solo content is typically less skilled, no reason to make delves soul crushingly punishing for the people that don’t enjoy that type of content.

The gear from delves gives you champ gear (garbage for anyone who is even a heroic raider) and 1 weekly piece of hero track gear. This is not excessive.

Not really, make the achieves account wide, anyone who is just normally doing keys will naturally get all the achievements without thinking about it. Don’t make it restrictive, ie you can still invite your friends even without the associated achieves, it would just be for using the group finder tool, which lets be real you probably weren’t getting an invite anyways for a +8 if you haven’t ever done the key.