I see your words typed coming from you, but all I am reading is the words of your lord and savoir streamer. Your opinion means squat to me because it’s not your own. You need some talking head to tell you how to think.
Cool, never commented of the difficulty differences between specs
Simply stated its in fact possible to do it as any spec/class, and people needed to start ranting about class balance when it doesn’t disprove my statement in the slightest
Delves were designed to be an endgame activity and endgame pillar. That means progression. That means them taking time. That means them challenging players to push beyond what they normally find comfortable.
Or folks stick to doing the same thing over and over again and be content with that. Which is why there’s gonna be folks who get the gear and learn how to do 7s and 8s, and then never progress any further.
The only thing odd in regards to folks commenting on delves not understanding that they are an endgame activity with progression, is just that. It is odd that folks comment on stuff, not understanding what it is that they are commenting on.
Delves are fine. Let folks progress 'em at their own pace.
These forums will have their next weekly random-trolling-and-rageposting topic next week. Which I’m sure you’ll participate in as well if you say weird stuff like what you have said here.
sure sure, and thats why all the death knight hate about this didn’t exist until that towl streamer person decided to start hating on death knights. 100% believable story. It’s just pure coincidence it started up immediately after they said things.
Players just burning down T8s week 1 for gear will be done with delves by week 2, unless they have no other means of obtaining hero path gear.
For alts or players who don’t like group content, T8 is a feasible goal for the season with people who want the challenge get three extra difficulties and a boss.
So you’re agreeing with me that they lied when they announced that they were being developed as content for casuals/solo players, and that they were actually intended for elite players who like to think of themselves as “casuals” because they aren’t doing world first.
Yes. They would need to select a lower tier than 8, though.
If one completes a bountiful delve on tier 4, there will be a 597 champ-level piece on the vault, which is the same item track (though a few levels lower) earned by completing a tier 8 bountiful delve (but awarded at the end of the dungeon). Champ level pieces don’t drop even in Mythic 0’s, so that would be quite the improvement. And, while slow, would allow for progression. If one adds in drops from Heroic Dungeons - ilevel 580 - more options open up, based on ilevel gearing.
The ilevel suggested for tier 4 is 548. Normal Dungeons currently drop 554 ilevel:
They never once said they was for casual players. They said it was intended for solo and small group orientated players that they admitedly have been neglecting. Delves then went on to be described as a progressive system that will give you loot that feels rewarding because you need the gear to do things you couldn’t before.
NEED THE GEAR to do things you COULDN’T before.
I can find the clip if you need it but thats the words and those are the key words to pay attention to.
I think it’s far more odd how top level dungeon and raid people can’t understand why anyone cares about the rest of the game. After all, high end activity is just a small part of the game played by a narrow group of players.
I am not Blizz’s disciple, but I don’t think they lied. I think we are making ‘delves’ some monolith, when they themselves are compartmentalized based on tiers and also based on whether folks enjoy them solo or in groups.
It would be the same to use the term ‘raids’ when there are multiple tiers of raids and various player ‘types’ who engage in the various types of raids.
The first time they announced them they did. But it’s okay because if you trash casuals enough surely they’ll agree with you that it was okay to bait and switch in order to get them to subscribe to content Blizzard was making for you.
This will be a net loss in subscribers. But hey, you’ll be willing to pay twice as much for the game and monthly subscription, right?