Delves are not too hard

They could easily rework brann to also have an Curio interrupt ability. His interrupt would be biased on the level the curio is. At rank 1 It could be a 30 second cooldown, at rank 2 it could be a 28 second CD, at rank 3 it could be 25 seconds, and at rank 4 a 22 second CD.

If a curio is to much work for Blizz to add to him, then just give him a baseline ability in his kit for a 25 CD second interrupt.

Interrupts are available to all classes and specs, with the exception of Holy and Discipline priests if I recall. Every class and spec comes with some form of CC if I recall. Most people haven’t used CC in 15 years, so they might of forgotten that lol

Then that’s an hp issue. Like I said, I’m only doing 6s and 7s on some of my alts because that’s what they’re geared for. I’m doing 8s on my main by going stupid slow and stopping between pulls to let cds expire. She’s not really ready to slam an 8, but they are still doable even though web bolts go through walls, wtf. lol. I don’t ever pull more than one caster at a time if I can help it, and if I do, it’s hard cc on the first one. Then I sit and let my cc cd expire and move on to the next. An 8 takes me about 45 minutes. A 6 takes me about 15. That’s the difference.

Definitely a good strategy for the harder delves.

My main point is because certain classes lack important tools, IE. Hard CC, interrupts, kiting tools, there is an imbalance in capability. Some classes are more naturally inclined toward certain types of content, especially solo. There are some mechanics that cannot be countered without the proper tools.

If the expectation is that some classes will need help in certain delves, that’s fine. But it needs to be communicated that it’s the intended design.


A lot of people assumed this was the case. Nobody lied to you, you just got your hopes up over a couple of vague descriptions. It’s like those e-mails offering you $1600 a month; You just kind of have to know better.


“Blizzard promised easy access to end game gear!”

— No they didn’t.


mobs in t8 delves do more damage than raid bosses thats not okay.

Even those were much much easier for specific specs and builds. It will probably never be 100% equal, I don’t know why anybody would even expect that.

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I’ve yet to see a spell that would one shot someone. There are plenty of one shot mechanics but they’re all avoidable.

If you let multiple mobs free cast it can get hairy though.

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As a priest I Have one interrupt on a 45 second CD. It’s very difficult to do much else against 2 casters at the same time. My best hope is a fear that doesn’t break too early and bursting down the first.

Absolutely. I’m not advocating for perfect balance, that’s a pipe dream. Some mechanics will naturally favor certain classes. I remember the shadow priest mage tower was MUCH harder for us than frost mage because our slow was a proc at the time.

I’m just pointing out where people are getting these opinions. There are times where you’re staring at a cast bar and there is literally nothing you can do. No item, movement or skill.

I empathize with that frustration.

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In Delves Solo, you are not really Solo, you have Brann and he’s awesome on interrupts. And leveling him is required. Delves is not just your gear and skill level, you have to level Brann too and use him properly… he has traps, throw you pots, give you food, and has T-rex pet that has a utility. And you also get special powers inside the Delves, utilize all of them.

Queued up at 590 as a rShaman with a lvl 37 Brann (Crit Arrow+Traps) to solo a t8 delve after these “changes”, and we couldn’t make it past the first few trash pulls. Brann’s damage is dogwater even at level 37 and I ended up facetanking the mobs spam healing myself from all the incoming damage until I was OOM or overtaken by the damage.

Whomever is turning the nobs on these things needs to let us all know the intent of them because they are not able to be solo’d by healing specs (and my understanding is that they are supposed to be solo content with Brann making up for what you are missing) but instead they feel more like M+ with a wet noodle DPS Brann.

Delves were better earlier in the week, back when my healing toons (also have a 592 hPriest) could clear them. Now only my 608 Guardian Druid can solo delves without feeling like a masochist.

Pls fix.

While true, that doesn’t change the fact that some classes have a harder time because of their kits. There are specs that could literally do them without Brann and be just fine, which is the point I was making.

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They could just whine all day all they want.

But for me, i am using all of my Specs toolkit, paying attention to the buffs i get inside the Delves, reacting to every move that Brann does. I am doing fine so far just for Tier 8s.

Brann is throwing traps all over… bring the mobs to each trap. There’s more… maximize Brann’s utility.

Are you playing a hunter? A class known for its independence and self reliance?

Yes. Why? When i first saw TWW, it says Delves.

It was an automatic choice when i started for TWW.

Why would i pick a rock to hit my own head with it?

Of course t3 delves are easy but we talking about about t8

Delves are too not hard!

I like how whenever I look at the OP I can’t remember which round of hotfixes we were on back then, so I am not sure if they right or wrong about Delve difficulty.

4 delve hotfixes in a week is quite a lot!

Aside from yesterday’s Brann hotfixes which amounted to nerfing him in higher difficulties, solo at least has gotten easier since the start of the week, mainly since a lot of spells had their damage lowered.