Unless I’m misremembering, you shouldn’t be taking damage outside of the candle/purifier zones. You get a stacking debuff that reduces your max health but that’s it.
I’d like to see a delve with two paths, one with monsters, one with puzzles and traps. You choose which one you want but end up in the same treasure room at the end.
I agree, the rewards should be worth it. The only time I’ve gotten anything worthwhile was while leveling and I replaced it quickly, because I was leveling.
Surprisingly, I’m loving delves…except the stupid candles and webs sigh. I like the little puzzle thimbles and what not but yeah there seems to be a lot that wastes your time, which hopefully doesn’t mean higher Tiers will have a timer. I’d rather there be a choice of what you want. Like:
- Lots of normal enemies, some elites/a boss, no traps or puzzles
- Puzzles, some traps, very little enemies
- mix of enemies, traps/puzzles (like now)
- Bosses only, no traps or puzzles
My single most important gripe about delves so far is the use of the shrinking area buffs as you move. They really are fine solo but not in groups with high movement classes. Especially when the area is quite small.
I tried having both players of the delve get the item for their own safe area but the delve bugged out doing this. Perhaps that has been fixed since I last tried. Has anyone else had this work?
Only done them solo =(
I mean, the problem with torghast wasn’t torghast, it was that it was basically mandatory if you wanted to do anything above heroic dungeons
Youre delving into a dungeon. You should have to deal with traps and other objectives. If you wanna afk aoe down mobs forever just do M+. Good lord
Yes please, I did Zskera vaults just for the puzzles at times, they are nice lil games in a game.
My biggest complaint about delves is the pseudo timer mechanics.
“Your [candle] [breath] [poison resist] [number of steps] is running out, get to the next checkpoint before you die!” is really repetitive.
Just let me explore every nook and cranny at my own pace. It’s just me and Brann doing some super casual content, if I want to get up and walk away from the PC for 5 minutes or answer a knock at the door, what’s the big deal?
There are a few that do not have pseudo timers but the ones that do feel so frequent and oppressive.
Second biggest complaint, the powers from these puzzles are terrible. I really adored Torghast - not the mandatory soul ash chore or the timer, but working my way through and getting absurdly powered up and the relatively interesting end bosses and lots of cosmetic rewards.
Maybe this is on purpose, like, “players feel if they don’t RNG into good Torghast powers that they might not have a good time”, but maybe that’s something you could consider for a cosmetic-only tier or a specific whacky delve (or you know, scale torghast like you do with mage tower so it’s evergreen content and update the rewards)!
because WoW is full of murder hobos, me no like think me just like kill red bar rawr.
Aren’t dungeons a place where people can just mow down mobs without much thought until the boss?
I like that Delves are different than dungeons. Figuring things out, destroying the problematic mobs first, going slower and thinking things out. That is what I like about them.
The good thing is that delves are completely optional as well. If you just want to cut down mobs, you can do that in dungeons.
Sounds like an issyou and not an iss-me.
Like if all you want to do is murder your way through something without mechanics, do dungeons.
It isn’t really a timer. I went to dinner in the middle of a Delve and my candle was still burning 30 minutes later. Since I wasn’t moving, then it didn’t go out. Of course in a Water delve, I’d have to make sure I was positioned over a air bubble spawn but still not a completion timer.
I don’t understand why people just want every aspect to be dungeons. The awakening the machine activity is super boring because it’s just kill things in a room.
No thanks. That is boring. Delves aren’t dungeons. If you want to mindlessly kill things, go run those.
Even in the premise that killing enemies is boring (it ins’t), boring is still better than annoying.
I rather play boring content than annoying content.
Always have something to bring everything to you. I think every class has a ranged attack or taunt. Warriors are hurt a bit since Charge is a big rage boost. And not sure if that counts as 1 step or multiple. But so many ways for the candle/totem to not be an issue. The air bubble would be the only one (and so far I really hate those zones with all the sharks out of nowhere)
I don’t share your opinion. I don’t find it annoying at all. I find it more interesting and engaging.
I enjoy dungeons with traps, jumping, and all sorts of things.
thats ok, but most players don’t share your opinion