You’re just being too vague. I can’t really engage with you when your entire argument is “they’re bad and I don’t like them.”
I’m trying to figure out what it is, exactly, that you don’t like about them. In my experience, they have sufficient variety in terms of visuals, encounters, gimmicks, etc. to keep them on a similar level to dungeons. And they’re worth doing because they provide significant gear rewards, crests, cosmetics, etc.
I really just want to know…what did you expect to get out of delves that you did not get? And what is it about the Delve experience that makes it somehow inferior to the other offerings in WoW?
What makes a Delve less fun to you than a dungeon, for example?
Choreghast would go on and on and on and on through lots of floors, and it was just you, solo with a bunch of ridiculous overpowered abilities.
Delves, you get a friend, the dungeon itself is shorter, and you get actual rewards out of doing it and is nice for leveling up as you get actual gear out of the chest at the end, or at least every Delve I did, gave me a piece of gear.
And also, Torghast was one of the most bland and boring places, Delves are way more varied. One might be a mine, another might be just a regular cave, another might be a titan ruin, there’s some variation there.
There’s some powers that you find to spice things up, but it’s not the be-all and end-all of the whole thing.
I must say, I am having a blast with this xpac so far! Went in blind and been playing at my own pace, not worrying about much… just going with the flow Delves are a great addition, can’t wait to see what higher tiers/levels have in store!
Do you ask why someone liked or disliked an orange. But said they are vague when saying they liked the taste… or disliked it because it was too acidic or not sweet enough…
You will never understand someone that dislikes something even when I explain it to you so why bother.
It is a weird question to ask a stranger.
I played it.
I found it bland … very poorly thrown together.
It wasn’t rewarding ; from the treasures being a let down to there not being anything interesting happening… for azeroth’s sake, it’s called delves, you have brann bronzebeard, go explore and adventure through it. It is just a lame zszkera vault with a different layout and varied puzzles and stuff. The same idea, wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same person doing it.
It just was not fun for me to engage in. I’m not here to win you over. Don’t care what you think of my opinion. Don’t care of this response suffices.
You get some sand, or maybe an ingot or something for an artifact you’ll never finish because it takes weeks of grinding the most bland area possible. Spikey Gray Hallway #5000 that are RNG rooms thrown together.
I don’t like them at all. It’s some weird mix between the BfA island expeditions, Torghast and those Niffen digging mission things from DF. Not at all like the bite-sized dungeons they were advertised as. They also take longer than I personally expected not because they’re difficult but because of the weird mechanics each has, especially the underwater ones. I suppose if they reward high enough level of gear I might force myself to do them but they already feel like a chore.
TL;DR: they missed the mark on these just like they did with every other iteration of solo content.
It’s still better, and I appreciate that it’s better.
And besides.
It does give decent XP, so if I’m bored of questing, bored of world quests, not wanting to do a dungeon, delves aren’t that bad.
Having different bits of content to do is always good, variety is always nice.
Well then, what changes would you propose making if you think they keep “missing the mark”… you mentioned it being too long… I thought they were nice and short, about half the length of a dungeon, not sure how short you think they should be?
To be fair, I think people are more looking for people to explain why they didn’t like it, so that we can give Blizz good honest feedback.
Blizz designs a piece of content, and some players go “meh, we don’t like this” … “it’s bland” … “it’s just a rehash” … these are not helpful feedback.
I think we can both agree on one thing: we would like Blizz to make better content.
But they can’t, if we don’t give them anything useful to go on. So they swing and miss. Okay, where should they swing next?
They’re not physically too long, they just drag out and take longer than they should because of having to backtrack to chase air bubbles or because you missed something random that you had to click, etc.
I would love to see something along the lines of the updated vanilla dungeons, like Scholomance and the different wings of the Scarlet Monastery, that you can solo.
Okay, so that is a reasonable complaint, too much dinking around with boring or annoying mechanics.
Much like how I don’t like the totem carrying delves.
What about the delves that DON’T feature those? How about the ones with the nerbian webs and the hookshots/zappers? Or the one that just has a bunch of mushrooms to act as spring boards?
Then give feed back. This was a thread on what people thought.
You are free to give a constructive post on what you liked and disliked.
I’m not here to analyze why I disliked something… usually it’ll be not to the liking of someone here reading it and I’m fine with that.
Again, this is a thread, by a player, asking what other people thought.
That’s a fallacy. They’ve gotten so many specific bits of feed back. They are developers who have to weight that. When they ask for feed back, I’ll be sure to go into specifics if possible, till then I think my feeling that delves are barebones, not fun, and not that rewarding for me is fine.