Delves are awesome. What do you guys think?

Being able to chill with mini adventures giving good gear has been great. Love the variety of mechanics.


I just finished running four in a row without any gear.

And they’re not that fun. Give it a few weeks and it will be a chore.


Tourghast 2.0 but with Indiana jones theme. instead.



Who the hell stuck us Bran!?

He sucks.


They’re ok.
The difficulty should amount to more than “avoid melee hits”, but they are a fun little thing to do every once in a while.

As an endgame pillar, yeah, they might be lacking combat related mechanics.
Most of their gimmicks are not really impactful to combat, but just annoyances.

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Extremely boring. I’m inclined to believe their biggest issue is being too small and short, so they cant fit anything into them to feel like more than just killing trash down a hallway until loot


It makes me miss Torghast.


I will admit, I am partial to roguelikes and I personally would love to see more elements of such get involved.

i can’t give u my thoughts until saturday, i am on a cool kid vacation

if you want him to not suck level him


Boy Howdy do like doing them, their short, fun, easy to do, give great rewards, why would anyone not like them, they haven’t even released the final difficulties yet anyway so why are ppl calling it endgame.


Pretty mediocre imo… it’s not bad once in a while, but it’s not something I’ll ever really “crave” doing.


I think they are a fun side adventure? That’s the way I would term it.


Fun so far. But lets see if, after a year of Delves during this Xpack, they’ll still be fun or if they’ll fall into the chore category/boredom.

But so far, I think Delves are cool. I hope Blizzard continues to reinvent itself to keep the Delves attractive throughout all this time.


I don’t find them engaging. Also a substantial bias for tanks.


Reasonable, thats something that happened to Torghast for a lot of people. I hope the community encourages Blizzard to keep trying or fleshing out alternative activities instead of ditching them.

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Choreghast, but with out the decency to all be in one area.

Love Delves! They’re so much fun, and there are so many ways they can be expanded and improved. I’ve put together a post with some ideas for how we can build on the concept even more. If you like the suggestions, please drop a like on the post! And if you think I’ve missed something, feel free to leave a reply with your ideas.

Now, to address a key point: The suggestions in my post aren’t about changing dungeons, raids, M+, or any core group content. This is about improving Delves specifically and adding more repeatable solo content for players to enjoy after the main quest line is complete. We’re not trying to replace the main storyline with a solo experience or change the group content that so many people love. These additions would offer more ways for players to engage with the game at their own pace, without affecting the group activities that others cherish.

Here’s the post: Expanding Delves: Feedback for Solo and Small Group Play.


We have literally only seen tier 3 of Delves.


Extremely boring. Most of the mechanics in them are just an annoyance and there is zero challenge. Just waiting for the mob with massive amounts of hp to fall over so you can move on.

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