Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

No way you get 7 keys a week, at most 6 if you are lucky. And you literally just proved my point…YOU JUST SAID you can do 7 delves a week…yet you can do 10 M+ runs A DAY! How can you say that and in the same sentence say it’s spammable like M+. Your logic is spot on bro


Like I said months ago, there’s a small segment of the player base that don’t want another segment to get rewards of any kind unless they are playing in m+ or raids

so they are going to be saying all kinds of things are wrong with delves.

too easy, too rewarding, etc, etc.

No way to gatekeep a solo end game pillar with a score of this or that, or some other list of requirements.

Everyone gets to do delves.

Yes they are new and tuning will happen.

Just like when m+ was 1st released.


I’m thankful I can get good gear without having to deal with jerks in mythics.


Not their Intention. It is an alternate gearing path. It is designed with solo play in mind. But, it is a great ADDITION to the gearing path.

Because you enjoy pushing them keys in dungeons? If you dont enjoy it, dont do it. Delves are a great ADDITION to the game as gameplay and a gearing path.


yeah, but mythic people get to wear your IO score proudly like the heroes you are. We lowly casual mole people get gear but don’t have bragging rights… right?


No it’s fine. In this expansion ilvls matter a lot so there’s actually a huge difference between 616 and 639 gear. No way in hell somebody like Ion would let Delves drop gear that competes with tryhard elitist jerk content LOL. It’s fine, casual world players deserve to get decent gear and progress their character as well. This game only being for sweaty try hards = dead game.


First time casual solo players have had access to the good stuff, and the elites are already crying about it.

Shocker I know.


What does this mean

Don’t these give like champion pieces, though

They said it’d be weaker than standard group content which makes sense

I thought M+ players said they run dungeons for fun. That’s why it’s their preferred content. I guess it was for gear all along.


Ye? People always only did stuff for the goodies.

Best designed spec = most favorably tuned

Best content/season = one people progressed the most in because it was easy

I disagree. Delves are the perfect solution for those who don’t have the numbers to do M+ in a group and don’t feel comfortable pugging it.

I’ve been running them as a group of three. While I admit some things were easier than they were soloed, we still felt like we had appropriate challenge. None of us were well geared and we had to learn mechanics just like you do for dungeons, but we didn’t have to deal with any toxic speed rusher or elitist feeling held back because we needed/wanted to take our time.

I’m all for them tuning group delves to be harder, but I would have no content to do this season if they were only soloable.

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Do you mean nerfing it to make it faceroll as “improvements”?

Oh please shut up. No one cares what ilevel gear people get items from and if it’s “easier” than another form of content.


lol op thinks mythic+ and heroics are hard.

fyi op, delves only award normal mode raid champion gear with heroic vault. if you think a +8 delve is harder or easier than a raid then you have a skill issue. they are right in line with each other.

if a +8 delve was dropping 632 mythic ilvl gear, then i think most people could agree with you. but it dont, it drops normal mode champion gear.

get real lol. op thinks normal mode raid type content is hard.


sounds like OP is mad because there is other ways to get gear besides doing raids and m+ ? don’t worry OP, thanks to blizz’s hotfix, now delves are a mess to solo.

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Even with them messing with the tuning over the last couple days, Delves are definitely over-rewarding.

It will not matter to hardcore M+ pushers. They will be doing keys fairly quickly that drop Heroic Quality loot baseline while Delves only get it once a week from the vault. And their Vault will have Mythic quality gear.

But for people at the KSM / AotC level of play, Delves are in a really weird spot, in that KSM-level keys will NOT be more rewarding than T8 Delves (which people have been doing solo since the first day of delves while undergeared). This level of keystone will be roughly EQUAL to Delves, while being slightly worse in the Vault. (might be like 3 ilvl off with these statements, but it more or less stands even if thats the case)

The tradeoff is that M+ has no lockout, sure, but that’s a lot less meaningful when the Delve “Lockout” ends up being like 6 coffer keys per week if playing actively, which guarantee loot as opposed to the RNG chance of M+.

Idk. I know they want Delves to be a proper content pillar for more casual players, but the reward tuning seems off. The only reason to touch M0 right now is to learn the Mythic Mechanics for when you’re doing M+7s and higher later, if you plan to. And if you don’t plan to, why even touch a dungeon ever again tbh?

It feels more and more like WoW needs to separate its pillars in the same way they already do with PvP and PvE.

Let World Content be the mixing ground.

Delve gear is lower ilvl outside of delves.
Dungeon gear is lower ilvl outside of dungeons.
Raid gear is lower ilvl outside of raids.
(PvP gear is lower ilvl outside of PvP.)

In addition, you now get to choose 1 item per vault row, rather than having to choose 1 item overall, since the carryover to other content is no longer relevant.

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My opinion, with a POV of someone who played MMOs since 2001, is that if content is fun on its own, people will play it. I reference how communities were in DAoC, SWG, and CoH.

Progression is a good motivator, of course, but one must ask themselves what are they progressing for? To what end. In DAOC it was to protect your realm, in SWG it was to try out new class combinations and to control the galaxy. In WoW it’s to what? Raid, PVP, run M+, or Delves. No wrong answer, but people should play what they find enjoyable. Progression will flow naturally by playing the game.

That is all


Okay, yeah, sure, this is true, but if there’s a bar to fill or a source of content that gives power then that’s something people will naturally gravitate towards.

There’s also the natural point of being “done”, like conquest cap, weekly vault, raid lockouts only being open for loot once, etc, so you can do stuff nonstop but there’s also the “okay you did your raid, you can stop now”.

Ye, true. I think some people are a little directionless and/or just on the treadmill without actually enjoying it. Kind of a tricky thing.

Yep, which is why I posted what I did. I think we all inherently know this, but need reminding from each other. Blizzard created this system purposely, to play on our addictive tendencies, so that way we keep subscribing. Fortunately for me, the seasonal model broke me of this. I found that regardless of how hard I play, it all gets reset next season and the previous season is no longer useful to run.

So now I just play for the story, and I’ll do the content for the gear that I find most aesthetically pleasing, and then I unsub once I have it. This season it’s the world pve gear set and the delve set. I like the red and golden color combo for my paladin, and the grey color of the Delve set looks good for my warrior and DK. The tier sets look like trash for the classes I play.

Oh, I’m also excited to earn the Judgement set and the DK set. So I’ll stay subbed through the end of the year for sure. Then I’m excited to try out Throne and Liberty and some single player games that’s released or may release over the next 6mo-1 year.

Long way of saying, loyally playing one game, like WoW, is no longer rewarding to do. Blizzard made sure of that. That’s their right, but I’ve chosen to pay this game the same courtesy Blizzard shows the customer. Meaning I use it for the fun I can get out of it and then I dump it until they release more content.


Ye, just gotta find what’s fun instead of getting caught up in doing chores to maintain a char you aren’t even gonna do anything with. :dracthyr_love_animated: Gear is a means to an end.