Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

fair enough, but I definiltey feel like ever since the GV was introduced (and the catalyst); I nearly ALWAYS end up getting all my tier from my own efforts in keys than the raid. I’d considered stopping raid altogether once I realized how much easier it was to just do this stuff through 5 mans that as a tank, I can pug each season. I dunno, I still like the challenge of learning new routes and seeing what kinda super-big-dee pulls I can do…

It is for casual players like me who never cared to push for +20’s. I usually stopped at +14’s - before aspects and enough for KSM. Right now I would stop at like a +5 or +6. I just don’t feel like being frustrated trying to pug higher keys. They are too stressful for me, and I am an aging player base with a slower reaction time so I just don’t feel I could or want to play at a high enough level for a +7

As a single player game… Well, if you take the MM out of the MMO you’re not left with a lot of overly engaging content.

And this is a step towards taking the MM out.

Ok hold up. You dont like M+ because they are stressful… You likely wont even do a +7 this expansion. and YOUR complaining that delve loot is too high? Delves were literally made for players like you…how tf do you complain about it…yes there are some balance struggles right now… but that’ll get worked out. Now players who don’t want to raid/don’t have the skill to raid etc. don’t have to and can get close to raid geared and have their own “progression”/power Creep. I can’t fathom why You of all people would be against this given the “entry level” end game stuff that you aren’t even going to do.


Because if you read my original post, my issue is Delves killed my motivation to do ANYTHING. Like normally I would be farming M0’s this week, but I was like “why bother?” The issue for me, and would Delves gear me more then I typically would and faster? Sure. But it just kills my desire to actually play the game in other ways. I know that might not make sense to some, but I actually WANT to play the game, I just don’t want it to feel like a pointless waste of time for me to do so.

Delves are free guaranteed loot.

Which means yes anyone pushing higher content who delves are not “for”, still has to do them every week. New chore unlocked. Yay.

And they completely miss their designed purpose when solo is difficult yet unfailably easy as long as you master the technique of : be or bring a tank.

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delve idea held potential…
just as follower dungeon idea held potential…
but their implementation…is a wash.
i’m finished with both.

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If they nerf Delve loot before I even get a chance to get any I’m unsubbing INSTANTLY.

I’ll say this again. If Delve loot gets nerfed I’ll be unsubbing ON THE SPOT.

Tone deaf mythic and raiding elitists are ruining online games.


By your logic, M+ is obsolete because Raid gives better loot. Delves are just another content to get gear and it’s gated at that. You can’t spam Delves, you only get 4 keys a week and the loot is random. and then you get your vault You can’t target items like in M+ and spam them all day. Are you dumb?


Does anyone else find it super super super weird that elitist always get mad when other systems come out which gives equal gear?

It’s the literal definition of elitism.


so what’s the issue? cause same and that’s why i like delves and the loot they can give.

Here is funny thing about that if you are lucky and don’t get duplicates or stuff you already have it would take you 18 weeks which is roughly 5 months to hit 616 ilvl through the vault

So ,NAH its not too rewarding


You actually are pretty much guaranteed 5 keys per week. Each abundant gives you a radiant echo. You should be getting at least 25 fragments from each radiant echo to give you the 5th key. Then depending on WQ RNG you might get a 6th or 7th. And then eventually you can buy keys. Doesn’t really change the main point of your post though that delve gear is gated and not spammable like M+.

If you don’t ever use the upgrade system sure.

Delves should not have had heroic vault slots. I think thats why they are being so weird with balancing them.

How exactly will they get the upgrades… oh wait you need to do heroic raid and M+ to get the badges bwahaha

Yeah 5 months if are super lucky no dupes 616 ilvl , what a joke ??

No? Bountiful 8s drop champion gear and runed crests. Runed crests are used to upgrade all the way to 619. Champion gear goes to 619.

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Here’s the truth who cares, this xpac is bring people back to wow, and i would say around 90% of those people will leave if they had to deal with the elite people in M+ that will require you to have raider io and be 100% geared out before anyone will take them.


This is what they get for making delves stop at 8 and by making the first three of those tiers essentially meaningless. It could’ve gone up further in difficulty and the reward pacing could’ve been better, but they chose not to.

So apparently they’re not making this feature to appeal to challenge seekers, but it does need to still feel rewarding enough to entice participation, which is what the current track feels like.

Honestly, from the outside (as I don’t generally care about M+), it just feels like they messed up M+ at the end of DF. Apparently not everyone who enjoyed those was a sweaty tryhard.

I got a trinket last night from a T8 delve that drops my DPS by 10k. It would replace a 593 Adventure trinket from a Heroic.

Please, tell us how amazing the loot in delves is again.