Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

It honestly makes alts feel worth playing. Rather than just sitting in town as my profession hoochies.

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Yeah that was a bad example.

You could just add in a 500 page book of nothing but nonsense sentences into the game and people will sit there and read it for loot.

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Can we make it a steamy fantasy romance novel?


Nope, just nonsensical sentences with no thought put into them, just like Delves.

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It has to involve lore and strange dragon sex

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Yes. /10chars

Stop the cap. You would read anything for 619 loot.

I dislike timed content so im glad delves are rewarding


No. /10char.
Let some content be fun, and not a sweatlord challenge.


indeed, can we just have some fun quests that dump a ton of loot on us, not all, but a surpise one or two?


If I can sit through a corporate training module twice a year on Information Security that doesn’t let you progress until the timer ensures that you’ve read and clicked through the entire page and you spend no less than 90 minutes on the whole thing, I can definitely do the same for 619 loot.

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Could and would. I mean you’re just goal post moving. If I wanted to I could come up with an activity you would not want to do, but that wasn’t the point I was trying to make, gooooood lord.

Anyway I’m glad you love boring things lol.

nah solo players deserve a way to earn atleast Mythic + low level gear without being forced into group content. Mythic +7 isn’t even that high so it’s more than fair.

Now if we were getting like 630 gear i’d say thats a lil much. but 603 from the delve itself and 616 from the Vault. perfectly fair.


That opinion would hold some small amount of weight, if you couldn’t buy any gear in the game with gold via carrys…

Do you just use random words and terms without any idea what they mean?

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616 gear is literal garbage lol.

Mythic is topping out at 639.

23 ilvls higher is monumental.

why dont you like M+? Do you REALLY get all the loot you want/need from just doing raid only? I certainly never did.

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The scaling is bad but the loot is not an issue.

You only get 603 from the Delve, it’s the 1 item a week from a vault that could end up being useless that’s 616. You get far better gear from the end of dungeons than with keys in a Delve.

It’s going to take a very long time to gear with Delves, M+ on the other hand will give you stronger gear much quicker. Trinkets are also better than dungeons, but I’m sure raid trinkets are king like always.


So repetitive. Same dungeons over and over and over. I usually raid on 2-3 characters, I don’t want to farm gear in M+ on them all for raiding.

That’s why I love the Great Vault. 3 slots from raids usually means 1 guaranteed piece per week.

Not everyone raids Mythic or pushes high keys. Like I said, I cap mine out at max gear with equal to “Wyrm” crests. Heroic 4/6 or Champion 8/8 and call it “done”

They likely need to change delves loot to solo worthy rewards like transmog, pet charms, gold, and other non gear to remain fair across all playstyles.