Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

Not everyone cares about Mythic gear/track though. I never have. I always stopped at the “Wyrm Crest” phase. So in one season I know my gear was capped at 8/8 Champion or 4/6 Heroic at 476ilvl because I refuse to do M+ high enough for the “Aspect” level Crests and I don’t raid Mythic. For a lot of players, we stop at “Heroic” level gear.

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Heaven forbid people actually be able to get a little gear without having to waste a ton of extra time and effort in raids and get yelled at by people taking it way too seriously and actually have a little fun with the game. I’ve never understood this ridiculous need some people have to lord something over other people in a video game like they’ve accomplished something. You want to take a little pride in downing the big bad and finally getting a piece you’re after, that’s perfectly fine. Otherwise it’s not ending world hunger, it’s not curing cancer, or anything like that.

Now I have no issues personally if they want to let dedicated raiders have a few extra points on their gear than me because it’s not the end of the world. However I see nothing wrong with there being multiple ways for people to get competitive gear to do content with. If I’m in a full set of maxed out BiS gear at 606 or whatever the current max is, I don’t care if the other guy who’s also in 606 got his gear from delves, raids, bought it off the auction house, or the titans hand delivered it to him. All I care about if I’m running with that person is if they’re carrying their own weight and staying alive. and we’re clearing the content. Obviously I don’t want it to take 20 years to complete one run but you get the idea. Personally I like the idea of being able to get some gear solo as it lets me still progress even if my crew isn’t on.


They could’ve just put Island Expeditions back into the mix and had them drop gear. Delves are on the same level. The only reason Delves are “hard” is because they are extremely cramped with butt pull mobs everywhere and things spawning on top of your head. The difficulty is the layout and the health sponge. They’re Islands but indoors with traps.

I had completely forgot about those islands… bfa was it?


Mythic instances are a toxic mess. I have zero interest in being rushed through content at top speed only to be harassed if/when making a mistake or going too slowly.


If mythic dungeons aren’t fun enough to where something even slightly easier makes them “worthless” to do, maybe it wasn’t for you in the first place. Its been nice getting decent gear for once with my own play style and I hope Blizzard doesn’t further nerf delve rewards because of salty mythic+ players.


The issue is the person who got their gear from super easy methods likely won’t be able to perform in harder content and you’ll only know that once it’s too late.

That’s one of the things that led to Raider IO since iLevel is no longer a valid way to vet players.

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It is okay for people who do easier content to get some decent loot.

IMO, ilvls for the sake of ilvls shouldn’t be a reward itself. When the next expansion starts, your item level and gear is no longer impressive. Gaining higher ilvls should be the pathway to something worth chasing.

Achievements and cosmetics (legendary items, transmogs, pets, mounts, etc.) are a good reward, and different pillars of content can have different cosmetics at the end.

Delves should’ve been strictly solo, having them be group things defeats the purpose of it and makes them a cakewalk.

It’s also a combination of M0s just being too hard for the loot they give in comparison. I personally don’t want delves loot nerfed, as I actually enjoy doing solo delves way more than doing M0/M+ personally. But Delves being soloable makes them “easier” when you don’t have to worry about the competency of others in your group.

And what’s the problem?
It’s the first time they’ve added content for people who like to play solo or for those who have little time. What’s wrong with having high-quality gear?
If it’s not high quality, then no one will do it.

And more importantly… who cares?
Let everyone focus on what they do and play.
I don’t understand why someone who does M+, Raid, or PvP would have an opinion about the Delves.

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You’re placing far too much value on a single ilvl item from a bad loot table. You aren’t going to cap crests very effectively either.


So do Delves and get that. I guess I don’t understand why you’re complaining?


Yeah but the gear is 99.99% vers garbage and some of the worst trinkets and backs in the game. Delve vault will be an early season thing and then that’s probably it. The only real perk is hoping for a core piece in the vault for catalyst to turn into a usable item. So you’re basically banking on a good drop just like any track and an available catalyst.


I’m sorry but I’m calling bs on that one as it’s just an excuse to look down your nose at other people you deem not as worthy. You can say “that guy that got it in easy content likely won’t be able to perform in harder stuff and you won’t know until it’s too late” as much as you want. However that applies to ALL groups outside of dedicated guild groups. So sorry that’s not an argument but is a gross oversimplification and massive assumption.

I’ve seen just as many people in so called BiS gear that are bad as I have people in low level gear. You can have all the best gear in the game, perfect gems, enchants, and the like, and STILL be bad at the game if you don’t know how to use it. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen people over the years come into a dungeon, an LFR run, or actual guild run that had good equipment but absolutely SUCKED when it came to their ability to carry their weight. I could care less if dude next to me paid for his gear off the auction house as long as he knows how to use it. THAT is more important to me than how they got the gear. Any time you group with random people you’re ALWAYS throwing the dice whether you like it or not. I for one don’t plan on writing every one off willy nilly that’s below me or equal in gear purely because they got it a different way than me. But you do you dude.


Yeah I’m trying to get crests. Plus M0s feel faster and smoother and more fun and less irritating and you can mount up and things don’t spawn directly on top of your head and there isn’t an NPC butt pulling and then telling you not to step in a web right after and trinkets, trinkets, trinkets.

People are gonna be rocking Delve loot, have dog trash trinkets and then pretty much don’t know the dungeons either, as in don’t have them in muscle memory, which is fine if you plan on kicking dungeons altogether, but you kinda want that muscle memory for keys lol.

I wouldn’t be surprised if people check trinkets before they put their key in.

god forbid someone gets good loot that doesn’t quit their job and sweat with 19 other people for 5 hours wiping 400 times to kill 1 boss


Those of us who don’t belong in content, me included, trust me, we know it. We just want to progress like anyone else. We don’t want to be roadblocked from advancing our character. We don’t want to be stuck. Honestly that is not too much to ask.

They pay for carries which is fully endorsed by Blizz and not against the rules as long as you do it with gold.


I think it’s actually a pretty good gaming loop if they can manage to get the balance right. Thinking it through:

  • World Quests Reward: Explorer/Rarely Adventurer
  • Zone Meta Quests: Reward One Veteran Piece (up to 4)
  • Daily Delves: Champion Track per Key (from Zone and World)
  • 1x Weekly Heroic Track for Completing 7 or better delve

I think that’s a pretty reasonable way to gear up your toon for a season or half season of effort. Myth track is there for the try-hards.


I swear you could just add in a 500 piece puzzle and people would do it in game for loot. There is no slop people won’t do for loot in this game, it’s insane.

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A 500 piece puzzle? I’d do it for hardly any reward at all, that’d be fun!

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