Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

You leave my chill loot alone angry elitist players! Or maybe they should delete M+ cause it’s more rewarding than raids?


or you could not screw everyone because you really like Mythics.


Eh. I think they’re close.

Isn’t the headline story here that raiders are getting screwed, since they’re doing content harder than the rest and not being rewarded for it?

Because that’s an old story, at this point.


Maybe it’s finally time to slap a bonus ilvl onto raid Great Vault gear, like everyone else gets.


616 is a very high item level, it’s true, but that’s the absolute highest a Delve player will ever get from the vault. Meanwhile, M+ players who do +10 can get 623 on a whole new reward track with much higher upgrade potential.

In the early gearing phases Delves may seem OP, but keep in mind there is no way to Delve your way to a Mythic upgrade track.

And those 616s are limited to one per week, whereas a M+ player can run some +7s, get some 610 loot on command with the same Hero upgrade track as Delve vault loot, then use crests and valorstones to upgrade those items past 616 without a ton of effort.

Delves give one strong reward per week, whereas M+ loot is much more farmable and you can get way more consistent gains from doing them.


I disagree you can’t get carried in solo content , you are always carried in group content as you will always need the group why ?? because if you never needed the group you would solo it as convenience is always king :rofl:


Said no one ever.

Yeah it will be old school in the next week or 2 , watch the minimum ilvl groups set to enter Normal raid be 605 far bigger than what drops . :stuck_out_tongue:

Shhhhh… dont tell all the ROFLSTOMP Andy’s since their groups got nerfed… “bare minimum effort”? They’re now crying Delves are literally “impossible”.

I mean who cares? Loot does not matter in this game at all. We toss it away so quickly. Now Mogs last forever.

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it feels that way because m+ isnt open yet.

it will feel unrewarding starting tuesday.

Don’t do delves then. Stick to your sweaty raids and mythic


Yeah, M+/delve vaults being a full track higher than the drops is crazy. Keys are spammable but … just loot cap it at something like 20 per week so the drops are more comparable to the actual difficulty.

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By this train of logic, M+ shouldn’t give myth track gear because a +10 is easier than mythic raid bosses.


Delves are challenging for the average player at the moment.

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They shouldn’t.

M+ is playing Candyland for welfare gear.

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If M+ is candyland for welfare gear, then Delves are: you exist, you get gear, enjoy.

Blame the devs, they had how long to test this crap? You can’t even make this crap up anymore. I mean if Wendys workers were half as incompetent as some of these devs they would be fired… Yet here…

Meh they have a good expansion but I have 100% faith blizz will F it up as they always do.

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Season 1 of dragon flight I had to do 10+ m+ dungeons before I saw my first piece of loot. So I agree loot sucks in m+