Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

It’s not an issue for me… this is microsofts fault. By not testing it properly on top of having a terrible scaling system that since they put that garbage back in 7.2 this game has been dealing with constant scaling issues when numbers start to get into millions and billions…

Do I care that 2 to 5 man have it easy? not really but it’s stupid that solo players are literally playing the hardest version of delve and struggling because of their scaling issues…

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I’d like them significantly less if they removed my ability to play them with my wife. If they made them solo, they’d be a ruined expansion feature, IMO.

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I think I am done with Delves. I don’t want to do group content and they are pretty much impossible for casual gameplay. I am not even talking +8 here. I can’t get through +4 with the current scaling. I am getting hit for 2-4 million health as a solo guardian druid. I shouldn’t have to constantly heal myself off what are basically trash mobs.

To top it all off, Brann is level 16 and no longer gaining experience from Bountiful Delves. Other people have their Brann at level 30+ somehow. Delves seemed like they had potential but again the Monkey Paw. Really have to reconsider renewing my subscription now.

And yes, I am sure some mythic+ dungeoneer will say it is a skill issue. Probably why I don’t want to do group content. I am overgeared for a +4.

This combination of it being the only feature-complete release of the first week and its rewards going to 616 from the vault (jesus?) really feel… half-baked? For the effort needed to do bountifuls. The only issue I even remotely have is my laziness and thus having relatively fewer keys than I could right now.

Actually, if you use a bounty map on T8+ it adds an extra chest with 610 Hero 1/6 gear, but I believe that’s the ceiling for delves.
And of course, the GV gives 616.

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Not really, the RNG has been pretty bad. I have friends who did a M+ over 100 times for a specific item. I would never.

I am just really curious to see if M+ participation falls off this season with Delves as an alternate path

Considering how they are struggling to have the somewhat correct scaling… I wouldnt worry about too much about it.

If this is going to be a constant thing in this expansion I’m gonna save myself the trouble and spend time elsewhere…

Because the fact players primarily have to either conduct Raid or Mythic+ (for PvE) to obtain gear has been the primary two avenues for PvE and with Delves, players are ENJOYING the relief of not being “forced” to participate in hours worth of Raid or the headaches of Mythic+.

Delve rewards cap out to item level 616 from T8-T11 via the Great Vault. By Blizzard not increasing rewards beyond Delve Tier 8 is a GOOD thing so it does not 100% replace Mythic+8 and beyond Great Vault reward to a maximum of 623.

Right now, for players experiencing Delves vs Mythic 0 “rewards”, Delves is more ENJOYABLE to conduct either SOLO or GROUP over the pain with M0 (soon to be Mythic+) pugs for majority of players. I don’t know about you, but Delves relieve the headache of Mythic+ and you know, it’s a good thing for players to take a break from Mythic+ and concentrate on pushing themselves through Delve tiers. And boy, let me tell you, the Season 1 Mythic 0 week has been a infuriating experience. You seem to forget, not everyone played Cata or BFA with the Seasonal dungeons added to TWW S1, so, there’s that pain of people “not knowing” mechanics ect. So, going straight into M0 with ZERO knowledge or experience is frustrating, and yes, I know, it’s nothing new, but players would rather not deal with it as much as people will have anyway.

This is the Diablo effect with the way the Delves are to be honest. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Infernal Hordes in Season 5 is exactly that, a Delve. The higher you go, the more “risk / reward” you have.

Say what you want, I’m not hating on Mythic+, I’ve enjoyed Mythic+ on ALL of my toons since Legion and with the introduction to Delves, this a breath of fresh air for those of us who keep putting up with countless wipes, bricked keys and leavers in Mythic+ whereas you can grab a team of 3 or 5 in Delves, without a timer, good loot, good companion experience, good rewards at the end of the Delve and within the Great Vault. Yes, I AM a Delve enjoyer and I HOPE these Delves are here to stay and more of Delve content is released in the near future!


Just remember that all this loot means nothing when s2 comes around and just do it all over again, and again until its all replaced by leveling greens in the new expansion.

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Can’t get those sexy trinkets in the delve vault though


Delves do feel appropriately tuned for solo play currently.

You just can’t go in blasting, ignore mechanics, and easily full clear T8s while undergeared.

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Not solo players fault people are grouping these things. Delves rewards are fine, but if people gonna get all upsetti speghetti about reward structure just make them 1 to 2 people only and lock out the groups.

For sheer ilvl, sure delves are great.

But my mastery-loving self really needs stuff from M+ so I’ll be there.

Exactly. I was just pointing this out in another thread. They have distorted the entire gearing progression, all the way from normal dungeons, all the way up to normal raids. They are now the new way to sweat between raids, and I highly doubt this was intended. If it is, it’s a terrible mistake.

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This is what gatekeeping looks like

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Disagree loot is too high. Agree it should just be solo so tuning can be focused in that direction.

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I feel in many way that with m+ heroic raid gear became mostly irrelevant so they have simply been furthering that. Not saying its a good or bad thing but also pvp has crafted conquest gear being 610 ilvl, which you can craft up to 5 right now I think if you cap conquest. You can obtain a free heroic tier piece for 1600 in rated pvp which is a joke compared to aotc or 2k m+ score.

I would add that ilvl is not everything as raids even on heroic often have pretty insane trinkets tho and will make it much faster to get your tier sets.

So i dont see a complaint here , if you see something that rewards the same but easier why not go and do it ? Its like complaining at work that its too easy and asking for harder work , ill probably never understand


Raiders have been screaming this about mythic+ for 8 years

Blizz doesn’t care, and they have no regard for a sensable difficulty to reward ratio.


Comparing it to the piss-poor loot of M+ is such a basement dweller opinion, I can’t even imagine what your feet smell like.

Take a hike, bozo.