Delve loot = far too rewarding for it's difficulty

Not sure what you mean by that. I am a bit annoyed. Was loving the expansion until the season started. Then I realized how awfully designed it was. And that I look at time vs reward and it just makes me not want to bother doing content. Why waste my time in M+ when I could just do a few Delves for easier reward? I want my time to matter.

but but but
I thought you all did that for the ‘community’ thing?

glad to hear it
now maybe us solo players will stop complaining about not being able to get good gear.


Lmao I faceroll on M0.
I wanna se you solo Waterworks :slight_smile:


Didn’t realize they did that. But kind of typical they can’t get scaling right. They needed to be lowered for solo players, but balance it so it doesn’t make groups be the cakewalk it is right now.

This is true only this week. If M+ was already open, it wouldn’t be the case. Next week, every M+ runner is gonna start decking out in Champion gear. 2 months from now people are gonna be in all heroic gear and Delves won’t continue to be a “must do” for progression.

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The scaling is all around.

Solo is literally the hardest difficulty for delves. There’s a wowhead article with the information already.

2 to 5 man makes it a joke.


The scaling is broken. 3 player delve has enemies with more HP and DMG than a solo player.

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Have you done M+? M+ isn’t that rewarding. When I did it, I only get a drop maybe 1/3-4 runs. And the time investment to actually running them. I would never do one as high as a +7 (I used to stop around a +13 in the old system, highest I did in season 4 of DF was like a +5 or +6). So I would never reach a vault reward from M+ as high as a +8 Delve

Noooooooo blizzard nerf this right now! We absolutely cannot have this easy to obtain gear for casual solo players, I simply won’t allow it nerf nerf nerf!!!


I already acknowledge a SOLO Delve is hard. I mentioned GROUPS specifically.

Sporebits are fine when bran doesn’t randomly pull them for you.

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Then the title is flamebait then. If you acknowledge that solo delve is hard why is too rewarding?

Groups make it a “joke” when it shouldnt be the case but here we are

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Not even what it’s about. Reward should be somehow in relation to effort. And I am not even talking about SOLO players. Reward is well earned if you Delve solo right now. Groups just trivialize it so much it makes the reward too good from a Delve vs say M+

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I mean M+7s are giving you 610 gear at the end of the dungeon, best gear you can get from a Delve 8 is 603 if it’s bountiful, which is incredibly limited.

Your ladder also grows higher, this is where delves end.


Delves should be SOLO only, simple as that. Blizzard ruined yet another expansion feature


So you agree with me, so what’s the issue here? Why are you trying to argue?

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I agree fully, I cannot STAND when other people get good gear easily compared to the content I personally enjoy so we must NERF it all!!!4

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I agree but I don’t want it to change.

I’d rather farm these easy delves for guaranteed loot than to raid for 2 hours and potentially get nothing

Agreed. And tuned appropriately for solo players(some things for solo is way too hard/broken)


M+ 2 awards champion track gear at the end of a run. And it goes up from there.

Bountiful delves award champion track gear (if you have a key) and there is no up from there.

Advantages to M+ is the loot table for a specific dungeon is known and can be targeted to a slot/need.

Once M+ season is being run, the “power” of bountiful delves drops quite a bit.

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