Delve complainers

Trash isnt part of the raid encounter and arenr designed nor tuned to be challenging like theybl are in delves.

With trivial mechanics and tuning and no timer so it becomes a game of attrition or waiting for cooldowns.

Which isnt a problem because theres no timer in either in either scenario. Timer starts once the encounter (read as raid boss) starts

And trash isnt the encounter nor the challenge and focus of raids. Youre comparing apples to oranges. Youre not making the points you think you are

Not once you start the raid encounter. Pull the boss and that freedom is gone. Enter the keystone and that freedom is gone. Enter the arena and that freedom is gone. Enter a delve, pull a pack or two, and you can reset all your CDs between each successive pack you so choose.

Thats the difference.

But a delve isnt just a singular boss fight like raids are haha. I can take 4 hours in a delve if i want. Ive got 10 minutes in a raid encounter.

But comparing to raids is folly anyway as theyre modled after dungeons. So youd need to compare it to m+ if we want to discuss difficulty by design

They made a hotfix that made it unplayable… we told them. they changed the hotfix to make it playable. the complaints were justified and needed. it wasnt a “git gud” moment this was a untested fix with unseen complications. that made the content unintentionally harder than it needed to be. whole groups were getting 1 shot by unavoidable mechanics… so get over it, the complaints were needed.

brain dead troll bait report ignore move on

I’m mostly trying to poke fun at the forums here, every time blizzard nerfs an overtuned (which is unambiguously not bugged) rep grind, players go to the forums to demand suspensions and rollbacks.

Can you not do Delves at all? The first few tiers should be fairly easy.

What??? Trash in raids is sometimes worse than boss, lol.

Every class has short cooldowns now, this is not an issue. You are thinking like this is Vanilla WoW were we had 30 min CDs. I use my CDs like crazy, they’re part of my rotation.

Dude, people are tired of the timer gimmick, its boring, it doesn’t fit in RPG at all. People have been dungeon crawling in MMOs since the late 90s without stupid timers.

The entire raid is the encounter really.

Again, most classes have short timers, people wait for timers in M+ all the time.

They are meant to be different content.


we still have months to go to get the s1 rewards.

i dont see what the rush is

People are getting gear that they can’t get. The FOMO is driving them mad with envy.

It absolutely is. A raid boss is its own encounter. Which is why younhave an enrage timer on the boss alone and not each individual wing starting from the time you enter the raid and after each boss fight

Then make suggestions for such things.

Must be in the camp struggling to clear delves

The complaints about how grouping vs solo worked were 100% valid. Otherwise I think I generally agree with you.

Also just to poke in here; lust on trash pulls. In Delves and Dungeons, even Raids (but this is easier, you can just reset.)

I don’t really care about the argument, there, I just wanted to tell you it’s fine to lust on trash, just figure out where you want to use it instead of wasting it for an entire run of something only to use it on the last boss of, say, a 10 minute run.

So that means you’re a scrub player.

He can’t feel good about his own achievements if casuals are still permitted to play the game in any way more than paying for a sub in order to subsidize the development of his content but never logging in.


He is just another M+ player that wants to turn everything into the game into some boring speed run fomo content.


My dude, your highest delv is a Tier 4. I just can’t with some people on these forums.

Complains it is not challenging, but hasn’t even touched the challenging tiers.

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? I’m a casual lol and nowhere did I say anything concerning other people and their play styles. I’m strictly discussing the design of Delves and their mention of “challenging”

Again, nowhere did I mention there having to be a time limit to force people to “speed” through things. I also take months/seasons off at a time with this game, so the whole “fomo” mindset doesn’t really work with me. Nice projection though :slight_smile:

Ah you’re cute and can’t even achievement shame properly. If you look, it shows that I’ve UNLOCKED, tier 4 on this character. If I had completed a Tier 4, I’d have the achievement saying I completed tier 4.

I just can’t with some people on these forums. Literally stand the tallest just so everyone can see them put their foot in their mouth lol

Sure you are. Nobody who is as condescending as you and touts their superiority the way you do has an attitude toward the game and its other players is remotely casual. “Casual” means playing with a casual attitude. That’s not you.

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not reading this thread because who even cares but for delves being tuned properly don’t even bother because i genuinely love running through a dungeon just to get smacked with a 4 million hp hit that kills me instantly

that’s fun, you guys. if you don’t like that then just get better at the game.

That’s exactly how I play. I don’t put life on hold for this game, which is why i’m only able to play a few hours a week. Nowhere am I trying to min-max or top out my character every week. I don’t do every daily, I usually miss most weeklies.

I have yet to be condescending towards anyone. I’m just being critical (and in a constructive way) towards the design of Delves.

You’re projecting as well.

Edit: sorry, i see what I did wrong. I called YOUR “challenging” content easy. Sorry. I see how that would hurt your feelings.