Delve complainers

only if they ban carries for ANY content. Raid/M+ etc.

Going by forum logic, since those were bugged, the obviously correct thing to do is suspend the players who did that, and roll back their loot.

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There isnt a single class outside of the exception of maybe rogue that doesn’t have a spec that wouldn’t complete trivialize delves. Next person plz

lol, man, can you imagine how many accounts they’d blame for their own terrible leadership? That’d be such an amazing way for them to shoot themselves in the foot.

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Nah, they are just late to the party and wanted to get their two cents worth of an opinion added to the forums. :+1:

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Which classes?

I haven’t posted a problem with Delves yet, and I am enjoying doing them. At least my post history shows that. As per being late and adding my two cents, I was here and done that when this first came to light from the wowhead post.

I do understand everyone needs that freedom to express their opinions. You did, good on you.

My only complaint is how bad the ladder feels/felt. I haven’t run one since the night they came out, but will get back into it tonight, so hopefully it’s a little better.

But tier 1-7 felt like barely any climb at all, 8 was mildly difficult but I could still pull a lot. I can only imagine anyone who wasn’t running entirely solo the first day or so had a super easy climb up. (IDK about solo)

Hopefully the next season is a little better. Maybe these changes will make it feel better, but I’d like some sort of actual feeling of progression along the way. If that’s not something they wish to add for the sake of accessibility, as I know less-skillful players will be doing these, too, I hope they add more difficulties.

If someone wants to take 4 hours waiting in every pack for a 10 minute cooldown, that is totally fine. How does that affect you in anyway?


Sweet jesus, another person with lack of reading comprehension. Here:

Its a design flaw as it truly takes the challenge out of it

Um, we have had challenging content in the game for 20 years without timers. Raiding says hello. I’m so tired of the M+ mindset that has infected this game.


lol, that’s funny. You must have nothing but free time if you think this is a valid approach to these things. Most people can’t/won’t sit inside a single delve and wait for every CD between pulls, that’s ludicrous. Life is enough of a timer, we don’t need those in-game.

Timers, IMO, ruined dungeons. I don’t want to see them in delves.

This isn’t entirely true. Most raid bosses had enrage timers. But that was for the boss, not the entire instance.

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Never said raiding wasnt challenging.
But it has a timer…its called an enrage timer. Otherwise people would go healing heavy and turn it into a battle of attrition

Again, this is exclusively per boss. When you wipe on or reset a boss, all of your CDs immediately reset. This isn’t the same thing as what you’re proposing. In fact, it’s object proof that you have no ground to stand on with your issues.


I don’t see why it wouldn’t be? People put 12-16 hours a day into the game in the first week easily.

Im not. Im lucky to get what they put in in a day, in a week.

Each boss is its own instance.
Each boss has its own loot table.

You’re reaching hard to make your hot take into a point, it’s not working. Timers aren’t necessary for difficulty.

  • Raids have trash just like delves have trash.
  • Delves have a boss at the end.
  • You have to sit and AFK to reset your CDs before going after said boss if you use them, you can just reset boss in a raid and go to town with your CDs immediately.
  • You also cannot just reset your CDs on raid trash, yet people aren’t sitting AFK between pulls to do so.

You have no real argument if you agree raids are also difficult, as you have more freedom to restore your CDs in a raid.

You can’t AFK in the middle of a delve boss fight just like you can’t AFK in the middle of a raid boss fight.

Your point is invalid, timer suck, peace.


If it’s funny, then the rest of the post is satire?

I find it equally as funny and ironic you made a whole thread complaining about people complaining.

Enrage timer is not the same as slapping a timer on the entire instance. As usual Grizzle, your M+ brain takes are just a reflection of the typical sweaty player that Blizzard has catered to way too much over the years.

Why does every single aspect of this game have to cater to Tik-Tok gamers, or dad gamers that have limited time because they have to work 3 jobs and take care of their 7 wives and 27 kids?

I wish we had more content that took longer. I miss long dungeons like BRD a lot.

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