Delve complainers

The problem is, they need to add challenge to a vast range of skill level players, and while a timer is lazy, it’s something that a lower skilled player can still practice and improve against rather than a mechanic that’s hard enough to challenge the best players and just impossible for everyone else.

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They don’t become harder they just get so tedious. Why is this caster mob not dying? oh the 14m health pool zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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So they need to ban the people selling runs through raids because it takes the challenge out of it?

Not at all. Youre trying to dilute this to an individuals level.

Im sure you can buy runs in Delves too if you truly wanted to

The thing with buying runs in a raid is: the challenge is still there, and actually increased when people buy runs due to raid scaling with the amount of people but the extra people being dead weight and putting thst extra scaling on those selling the run.

The foundation of a raid doesnt change simply by how i decide to interact with it. Just like a delve isnt suddenly going to change the way it works because thenway i choose to interact with it.

Delves, by design, allow you to skip the challenge but are still labeled challenging solo content.

Raids dont have that choice

Edit: its like not getting specific achievements in games when you enable cheat codes to beat it

The person buying the run has zero challenge. none at all. they dont deserve the reward and it is degenerate gameplay.

Sure, but thats not what we were discussing. Regardless of the individual, raid is going to pose a challenge for someone and theres no way around that, whereas delves have a failsafe built in with, also aforementioned mechanic

I agree ban all carries, remove all esports, and ban rude impatient players.


so someone cheesing the challenge only matters when its delves for some reason. sounds hypocritical

It’s not cheesing. It’s by design. Therefore, by design, it takes away the majority of the challenge.

carries are cheesing the challenge. it is NOT by design. Nothing in blizzards systems enable this degenerate gameplay. Blizzard needs to update the TOS to end it.

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Delves are by design…allowing you to wait for all your cooldowns to come up before each pull if you so choose.

I know what I was saying. I was pointing out that you haven’t completed any hard tiers of the delves. Tier 4s are a joke.

You lack comprehension too. Okay so let me spell it out for you word for word.

Delve achievements aren’t account wide.
This isn’t my main character (as seen that the last delve was done over 2 weeks ago on this guy before the cap of tier 3 was lifted via timegate).

Again. You cannot even achievement shame properly because you don’t know what you’re looking for lol

Yes they are

You are trying to cover your tracks here. Run some hard delves, and then come back to this conversation.

Edit: You just got a tier 8 today, lol. I wonder how many hours it took you to clear that?

About 2 hours or so? Travel time included to the different delves. Again, they’re not hard. This is just the first time i’ve bothered to do them for the vault.

If Blizzard wanted Delves to be tiered release content they could do that, in fact they did do that with only letting players get to T4 before the season started.

They could have made it so it’s T4 pre season, T6 pre mythic, T8+ onwards, with adjusted loot along the way. They did not do that.

They players are doing the content that they have available to them, content that was advertised as quick and fast content to jump in and out of as an endgame pillar. Taking a few minutes to kill trash elites and having to wait for CDs between them at the ‘correct’ ilvl is not it.

Elitists in this game are exhausting. Let the people doing world content and delves have their purples, it hurts no other part of the game and that gear will be outscaled by those of us that do Mythics and such by next week.

The biggest failure of Blizzard and the core of the complaints is that there is no difference between the modes except numbers. A tier 4 has the same convoluted and sluggish mechanics as an 8.

I’d like to see little to no mechanics on low tiers 1-3, increasing in 4-6, and then challenge mode 7-8 and beyond with more. But that would take far more effort on Blizzard’s part then simply having the same thing for all skill and experience levels, but just turning UP or DOWN the dial.

It amazes me that no one sees this HUGE FLAW with Blizzards design. LFR raid should have no mechanics, perhaps one that is a feature of the boss, like a Dragon with a cone breath attack.

But instead, it’s mainly the same thing just doing more damage. I understand there are increased mechanics from Normal to Heroic and Mythic. But dungeons and now delves are the same game play with just various levels of health, damage, etc.

That’s LAZY and BAD design. In a perfect world, a 9 delve would have NEW mechanics, not just increased numbers. That would give the Cutting Edge pros a challenge and different experience, while having little to no mechanics/abilities on lower tiers would allow lower able players a better chance to experience the content without so many issues.

Seriously, I can type this a thousand times. Mind blowing to me that Blizz continues to make low end game play needlessly complicated for those who only want to or can do that.

But it stems from designing and tuning the game and its systems solely around esports as opposed to the majority player base. And we see this YET AGAIN with Delves.

It’s just bad game design and a way to cut corners, design it one way and just turn the dial up and down instead of making low tiers and high tiers a very different gaming experience depending on what you can and can’t do as a player… or want to.

If someone wants to just blow through a tier 1 for fun, LET THEM. But no, you have to click the things and interrupt the things, and move out of the things, etc. Just like Asmongold has stated in many videos, sometimes players just want to group with friends and blast some things with spells and get some “minor” loot. You know… HAVE FUN.

But Blizzard makes everything HYPER COMPETIVE and unnecessarily complicated. Like now we have to use BiS abilities and swap Brann’s builds for different bosses and delves, etc. That’s ridiculous on lower tiers and lower content. That’s 100% designed for the top end players.

Can’t believe this madness continues and most people are okay with.


GD has been miserable for years. At this rate, they could give Steam Discussion forums a run for their money in terms of idiocy.

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