Delve complainers

My only complaint about delves is the same complaint about people who wanna whine about the M+ timer.

…why is it considered “end game” and “solo progression” when I can literally pull 1 mob at a time and wait for Lust and other CDs to come up before moving on??

Isn’t that the reason timers exist in m+??
Isn’t that why they added the afk timer in Torghast?

Next you’ll have the option to just skip to the end of a delve and pick up your loots lol


It’s utter insanity.

who are these mythical people who pull one mob at a time and pop bloodlust on trash pulls? other than a strawman argument people pull from their collective posteriors as a defense for the esportifying of an RPG.


So my guess is ur struggling to clear delves lol

I don’t think you even understand the issue, they broke the scaling for certain classes with the latest “hotfixes”.


He’s also just making a point that if you wanted you could quite literally wait for all ur cooldowns to be up again before the next pull which isn’t something you can do in mythic plus. Can you not extract that concept from his post?

I never said people were. I said they could if they so choose.

Timers add a challenge. It’s not challenging when I can blow my entire load on a single pack, then move onto the next and do the same.

Again, thats why timers exist in M+
It’s why timers were added to Torghast

And while I understand this is supposed to be a timer free version of end game it…just seems like a weak way to go about it. There doesn’t have to be a timer but something about not spending 2 hours in a Delve would be welcomed (no i don’t struggle, i breeze through the 8s that’s i’ve done)

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sorry bruv but Ive a full set of tier 8 delves, and have three pieces of possible 616 gear waiting for me on tuesdy.

your princess is in another castle.


100% guarantee every class can clear every level of the tier.

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You still have to contend with bosses able to one-shot you with certain abilities and having to deal with high damage spikes. So it’s not quite that easy.

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i dont really mind whatever they do with delves but i wish they picked a stance before it went live.

one day its easy in a group and hard solo, next day you find out its easier solo and harder in a group… look… pick one… idc which one… but pick one and stick with it.

i dont like this dance.


I was expecting something fun and not this. Maybe they’ll improve them in the future but I’ll hoard my keys for now because it’s a waste of time and energy


Never once have I been one shotted

So you are arguing about a fictional player doing fictional things? Got it.


Week 1: Delves are too easy rabble rabble rabble
Week 2: Delves are too hard rabble rabble rabble
Week 3: Delves not fun for me rabble rabble rabble

There will always be someone unhappy, devs just need to focus on making these the experience that they intend them to be and ignore the noise outside of bug reports and any genuine tuning concerns that isn’t coming from undergeared or under skilled players.


They arnt for me all 10 of my keys are gone and loot has been looted. Ez pz

Okay. I was oneshotted just earlier this morning soloing a tier 8 delve on an alt.

Before you start getting defensive, I was still able to complete it with smart use of my cooldowns and my 38 Brann tanking. But it wasn’t “wait on every cd and collect loot at the end for literally no effort” easy.

Well I have upwards of 28 keys I’m sitting on compared to your zero

Yep, they were extremely easy until yesterday, and now they just feel broken for certain classes and specs. You don’t know what you are talking about and you will see that when they fix them in the next few days.