Delve complainers

But it’s not just not clearing it. It’s being one-shot by unavoidable mechanics.

As someone who used to sell M+ carries all the time, we can absolutely manage to prevent Delve carries lol. Just hard lock it to one player.

And for the people who are opposed to that, you don’t need to be able to group up like high school girls going to the bathroom for literally everything. You can survive 20 minutes without the constant companionship of your buddies. Trust me.

That would do it…but I’d also be against it anyhow.

Because I’d rather run delves with my wife and not care that people are selling carries. Just like I don’t care if someone is cheesing a delve over the course of an hour.

Will this help? The issues I’ve seen people having, lead me to believe it will sometimes not.

I just don’t have that happen, you also have 5 lives. I don’t know what to tell you I’m not saying you arnt. But I just am not getting one shorted.

Chances are good that if you get to that point on the trash that you aren’t going to down the boss by yourself anyhow. So I’m not sure where these folks are getting this idea. :stuck_out_tongue:

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All forms are, is scrub players complaining. Thought someone one would come to defend the game for once.

That would be my thinking too.

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Well they aren’t thinking. So that explains it.

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idk, some of the bosses are trivial compared to just a regular mage mob lol. (this is just a tuning issue though. Not a real issue, since you can get past most mobs if you need to.)

Or for that very short time we had Heralds in t8, those were significantly harder than any boss xD

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A few are. Not most and definitely not all.

There are plenty of delves where this approach would just be an hour wasted only to end up at a wall.

If you do kill the boss then you probably wasted a lot of time you didn’t need to on the trash.

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This is very true.

Honestly, I just hope they get in and get stuff figured out. Especially their vision for what they want Delves to be and how they think they should be done. (I have enjoyed them solo since they dropped, but they clearly are having a hard time with figuring out tuning with them)

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Solo is currently the way to go for them on many classes/specs. It’s just much easier than having even one partner with you. I’ve crept back into 8s on my priest (588 after his 8 this morning) and his warlock partner for duos. 570 Paladin can solo 7s or duo with his priest partner.

There is a lot of tuning still to be done and I’m open to seeing it get more challenging. I just find there is a lot of hyperbole (“1 shot by auto attacks in an 8” or “people can just spend all day on the delve”) that just doesn’t actually add up. If I can’t clear a delve in 20 minutes it’s because the boss ended my hopes. Has nothing to do with just picking and choosing my way through trash though.

They aren’t as hard or as easy as either of those camps imagines them imo.

Then again I’m undergeared for them so perhaps that’s why I enjoy it so much.

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From all the delves i’ve done, bosses are trivial, so probably.

Honestly I can see it on my playstyle, because I play MM with a pet. But I see this as being heavily class dependent.

And it depends on what they have the bosses do. If I need to interrupt to avoid having my pet die, I can. If the boss can be stunned I can do it twice. But if he throws more unsustainable crud than I can interrupt then I just won’t be able to do it.

So you are using the meta classes that can in fact do these easily. While other classes and specs struggle, your trapped in your own narrowminded way of thinking. You put zero thought into the rational of the complaints.


that’s an exaggeration but it IS doable, to mute the hyperbole it is “you can go really slow, CC, zero challenge just a slog, and beat delves waaaaaaaay under recommended ilvl depending on class/spec/talents”

I did it on my hunter and have 616 gear in my vault, got it when I’m 571 ilvl, and received a 587 champion drop, from the bountiful…

Yes, people are soloing it (currently the easiest method) on meta classes while overgeared and then saying “this is too easy casuals don’t deserve it.”


ima complain bout ppl complaining


I have to think players aren’t using their CC’s right or at all when solo. It makes a big difference on some of the pulls to be able to take a dangerous mob out of the fight.