Delve complainers

Threat in delves has been an ongoing issue that I have no idea what they are doing with.

Was duoing with a resto druid on my arms warrior and she CONSTANTLY had aggro on every single pull. No matter what I was doing.

Switched to prot and the problem went away.

There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how threat works in delves without a tank present.

Funny you should say that. There actually is a time limit on arena matches. After 25 minutes it ends in a draw.

But that was kind of a disingenuous question anyway, because PvP is already “esports ready” whereas PvE needed timers to encourage sweaty play styles.

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I think they are outnumbered by people who are complaining about people who complain. Do you get extra points for writing a long post complaining about complainers.

Most people who have complaints do not come to the forum to post. Most people in general do not ever visit forums on any site they frequent. It is still quite early in the expansion. Players who were looking forward to the content as it was promised to them are very likely at this point to give up on the entire expansion over this issue. They don’t owe you or Blizzard anything. If Blizzard can’t or is unwilling to produce the content it promised them, they’re going. And a lot of players are pretty disappointed over this bungled bait and switch.

Keep whining, big guy.

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What. It’s been the case since wow was created. I clear relevant content all the time and don’t get gear every time. What is the fun in that. I’d be max 606 if I got an item every time I complete a 10-15 minute delve 8. This mmo genre just isn’t for everyone.

Man. Why was everyone complaining about M0 being overtuned at the start of the week?

Don’t they know they can just spend 5 hours clearing it so there isn’t any challenge at all?

Don’t mythic raiders know they can just take the whole season to get CE? Where is the challenge in that?

I have had absolutely zero help from Tricks of the trade in every single Delve I have done.

Threat drops of Brann and just comes right back to me. I am actually floored when people keep replying with “just Tricks Brann” it has not worked once for me. I have an easier time just timing cool downs and blowing up a boss.

Can you wrap your head around this idea? Can your brain process the fact that a lot of MMOs do the thing where they drop a “chunk” of a gear each time, and allows you to progress your way up to your reward without ever fully snubbing you? Or are you just such an emotional masochist that you actively enjoy not being rewarded for putting in the time to down a Mythic raid?

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You know this is a game and not a career, right?

I already did that. Now I’m looking for something entertaining and not too…much. People who want to win this game already have ways to do that, from PvP ladders to RWF and high key Ms. Why does everything in this game need to be so extra?


yet you are telling us it isnt a challenge for you. so any changes wouldnt effect you anyways.

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Because if you don’t want to be “extra,” you can do literally anything other than the cutting edge of weekly vault activities? How is that hard to comprehend?

Every single complain about content not being completely about ultimately boils down to making it insanely easy for some and less difficult for others. However the loudest people just like in life tend to be the incompetent

I’n nowhere near cutting edge on anything, and from “down here”, Delves are darn near impossible to progress in WQ gear. Delves are simply overtuned FOR US.


Are you dying in +3 Delves or something lolol, is that what you’re trying to admit out loud in internet public right now???

It is a game, I’m aware.

I had my sweat time in MoP. By today’s standards I’m a casual solo player. I don’t want to “win” but when I’m given an option for Solo Endgame Progression it shouldn’t be easy.

There are plenty of non endgame activities that don’t require knowing much at all and can be done while relaxing. They’re still there. World content, normal/heroic dgs (I’m talking about the skill required for the content, not the player interaction), old content that can farmed, current things to farm.

There is really alot and Delves don’t impede on any of that.

it’s only a game

why do you heff to be mad

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So what’s ur solution you want to spend no time other then in WQ to gear. But also want to be able to solo single player end game content.

people pay for runs EVERY DAY. but somehow that doesnt “cheapen” it for you?


Well since he’s probably selling them, no, obviously.

That probably is where this is hitting home for some of these folks. If a casual can do it in an hour on their own then they don’t need to buy their carries. :slight_smile:

Though I’d imagine that we eventually see some delve carries firing up. We’ll see if they can manage something to prevent that but I doubt it.

I don’t actually believe people are working their way through delves like that though. If they need all of that time to handle trash packs they are probably running into a wall at the boss and depleting their lives anyhow.


Delve challenge is in a good place right now. I’d urge Blizzard to place difficulty in mechanics more than hp sponging and one shotting, but that’s up to them. As it is now, it’s fine.


So you come to the forums to complain about complaints?

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