Delve complainers

No, timers exist in M+ because they really, really wanted to make an e-sport out of WoW dungeons.


I mean just glancing at the GD forums, the Devs need to ignore them because 90% of it just people complaining and whining about almost everything. You wonder why most of these people even play the game.


That was not even slightly implied. It was to make the point that delves are as RNG as anything else. They are also heavily limited and if you’re spending 2 hours getting one piece from a delve then you are gearing in a terribly inefficient way that takes nothing away from me.

Outside of the legacy dungeons in the rotation I doubt people are even going to be noticing their timers most of the time. It’s going to be worse than DF in that regard.

Except there is. I do not need to “pull more” to make m+ harder. The next level with increased scaling, but the fixed timer does that.

M+ by DESIGN is to create more of a challenge. And the rewards run out, yet the content and the challenge does not.

That’s what you’re failing to see. By design, delves are allowed to be “cheated” by waiting for cooldowns every pull if you so choose. There’s no challenge in that.

By DESIGN it’s not challenging. If i myself have to add the challenge, it’s a design flaw as “challenging” content. And that’s exactly what you’re suggesting people do. Add their own challenges.

Where’s the timer on Arenas?

It was too easy to begin with. The fix is good.

On my Prot paladin I can walk through an 8 easily. Slower because lower dps but infinitely easier.

On my evoker who is far better geared, every pull is an ordeal.

Same player, same delve - night and day different outcomes based on spec and class.

this is not okay for content meant to be accessible to solo players.


It takes you two hours?

Wipe the tears caused by casuals getting gear from your eyes and read again. It might help.

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People come to the forums when they are unhappy most happy people are playing the game. So thats a natural perception to have if you spend a lot of time on the forums. Thing is though most the people complaining about different things are different people. Because a little shocker here. Different people want different things. But generally I agree the devs should mostly ignore the forums as they will lose site of their own design goals in a attempt to make everyone happy, and that is an impossibility without destroying the entire concept of the delves and ruining it for those they was initially designed for. Just like what happened with raid finder before it.

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Oh, it’s not a problem for me, I was just explaining to you what this content is, since you seem to be confused by it.

I’d love if it were released as legit solo/duo progression content, but they dropped the ball and released it so we could clear Tier 8 easily in a group. That set the bar and they’re going to have a really hard time getting people to accept a more challenging difficulty, after basically handing us gear for the first day or so.

So now people will have tiers unlocked they might not be able to complete. Shy of a reset, which would be met with its own backlash, I don’t know how they can walk themselves out of this corner. Would be swell if they tested their own content going forward…


Yes, we should keep the content at the current difficulty.

People complaining are people who either aren’t even close to geared/or are realising they may not be a good as they thought. That’s what solo content does to people, make them realize their flaws in gameplay. Which is good. If you don’t know where you lack, you’ll never improve.

With that said, some classes will struggle more than others because of their kit. Priest and Rogue are the biggest examples. When a boss needs to be interrupted every 15 sec, you’re SoL. Bosses can’t be cc’d and they have an interrupt on at best, a 30sec cd.


I could see this for sure, but in my experience dk Vs Ele the difference isn’t a enough to matter

Soloed an 8 last night. Was doable but there is nothing fun or challenging on relying so much on self heals because adds hit you for millions of damage per cast and hard auto attacks.

IT’s silly

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Of course that should be how the game works. There should be NO instance where you receive 0 gear progression for beating relevant content. That level of basic human decency in game design is only an issue due to WoW’s very core identity of flipping a coin and the whole gear either drop or doesn’t, and that identity is outdated. Anyone who enjoys anything other than fully deterministic gearing is also sickening and absolutely asinine, just gambling junkies too broke to go to Vegas for real lol.

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Guess i’m terrible at the game then. Can’t finish this t7 Delve at 586 iLvl.
Boss in the Delve has over 50,000,000 hp and my 500k dps can’t outlast his 500k autos.

Won’t even bother resubbing


Put that kit to use. You’ve got a stun totem, a knockup, and an interrupt for those casts my friend.

Doing a lot better than my discipline priest with his one aoe fear for a stop. :slight_smile:


…warriors get to complain about this, we don’t lol. Slap Tricks onto Brann and just pump away.

I was expecting something fun, explorative, interesting but yet again it failed and then the scaling also failed and thus Blizzard are on a roll with doing bad side content.

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I am. Spamming Feint too. Boss just stops going after Brann and comes to me. Often I have 10% threat or less.


I’ve never had that happen when I spec the 1 hour Trick node in hero tree lol. 600 ilvl exactly right now. +8s are free.