Delve complainers

I was not saying you were. I was saying the fact that someone can do this does not affect you.

They spent as much time on a single delve as you did clearing all four AND getting next week’s keys squared away. It’s just not equivalent and to me does not cheapen anything.

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So the fact that if you wanted to spend 2 hours to make it easier doesn’t actually make it easier for you?

Whereas the other “challenging” content, there’s no way to do that.

I think lives are a decent alternative to timers.

Delves are amazing, I’m loving it

You don’t seem to be the target demographic for these. Enjoy the challenge of your M+, but this is content for a very diversely-skilled demographic of players, ranging from the disabled to the talented casual player.

It’s designed to be inclusive, and you’re likely too good at the game to be the type of player these are meant to appeal to. Pat yourself on the back and let everyone else have their chance at some end-game content within the scope of their abilities.


No because I’m not going to spend 2 hours making it easier when I can crank out 8 of them in that time across two characters.

I don’t understand the disconnect here. I do not care that someone else can do that. I’ve got alts to gear and keys to collect. :man_shrugging:

What little they get done in that two hours does not in any way cheapen things for me.

And that other “challenging” content is providing more rewards in less time.

2 hours for a single piece vs 2 hours for an entire raid lol.

2 hours for a single piece vs 2 hours for 5-6 M+ runs.

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foooooound a bit o gold


Totally understand your point but it’s called progression a few weeks from now a vault or two and it will become a challenge you can overcome. You complaining along with the rest of the delve people about not finishing ur end game content week one sound rather obnoxious. It’s basically like me complaining that my guild and I haven’t cleared out mythic yet. Mythic pulls at the end of the tier can be upwards of 400 and beyond. And here you are week one complaining about not completing it already. It’s bizarre rather, you said it urself this is the inclusive content . I guess inclusive means reward without any work? Again weird logic.

There is nothing about my suggestion that is any different from someone saying that M+ is easy and being told to pull more. Give me a freakin’ break lol

This is not anything like saying “get naked and do it” at all. Just stop bro.

You know what happens in Delves when you’re better? You pull faster and complete faster.

You know what happens in M+ when you’re better? You pull faster and time faster.

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A normal raid where I got one piece of loot, heroic could potential take a month or more for some guilds to complete…

Don’t worry, champ. Sooner or later you’ll bother to pay enough attention and apply a bit of critical thinking to figure out why people are complaining. Keep at it. You’ll get there eventually.

So what do you want ? Equal rewards but for less difficult content? What is ur solution here. Becusse again this is very easy content for anyone who slightly understands there character.

In which you are also guaranteed to never receive a duplicate item. M+ is infinitely farmable as well.

I’m sorry you guys don’t like that people don’t need your groups to get a few pieces of gear weekly. That’s just the reality now.

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Some of the delves are tuned poorly. Like melt your face in 2 seconds overtuned. Some of them are comically easy. We need consistency.

Bosses drop duplicates nearly every kill.

It’s a rather unsophisticated argument to claim there is no problem because you haven’t seen a problem…


You will never receive a duplicate of those items.

People running delves are getting 4 cloaks in a row.

Stop. Ya’ll are whining like little babies about people getting a cookie that you don’t want them to have.

“All of the challenge is gone because some casual can spend 8 hours in a week running a total of 4 delves and getting lewtz that I don’t want them to have.”

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Nah it’s just straight to the point, they arnt a challenge for me so the issue lies with the player. You can over come a skill deficit by progressing in itemlv. There is huge scaling with itemlv. You do more dmg you take less. Your defensive are more effective your healing is better. This content is meant to be end game content for the more casual player. To expect to be done with ur end game content week one is boarder-line delusional in my opinion.

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Honestly, if you want to spend 2 to 4 hours in a single dungeon, waiting on cooldowns… you earned it. You earned the best level of RNG gear that it offers.

So the timer is a bit silly.

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Yea because I won’t roll on one, you might also only see a BIS slot trinket every other week and have to roll against many other people hoping for it, should there be complaints here as well?. You want each time you complete a bountiful delve to receive a different slot? You’d of been done the first week… insanity