Delve complainers

The big issue I had was scaling down mobs with more people.

I understand groups being easier because of having more utility. That’s not a problem.

Well I feel like ur experience is exactly what it should feel like for most players.

Yea I don’t know, they’ve gotten easier for me here this week.

If that’s what it takes for someone to clear it then why shouldn’t they have that option?

I’ll stay clearing in 15 minutes. It affects me in no way at all if someone “worse” than me takes an hour to do the same.


Arguing about content meant to be challenging but designed in a way that takes out most of the challenge

Breh crank the tier up if you aren’t feeling a challenge. Pull that extra pack.

What’s happening in someone else’s delve has nothing to do with yours.


Yea 2 hours is nuts. 15 minutes is where I’m currently at.

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That’s the same as saying “just remove gear if you want m+ to be a challenge, it doesn’t need a timer”

It’s a design flaw. Not a me issue

Who’s spending 2 hours??

Yea it does, because you want it nerfed into ground to the point that it becomes no longer a challenge

Only way I can see this happening is if they are using Brann to kill everything and have him in healer mode while they themselves do no dps. Even Brann tanking in dps mode only makes these a half hour to 45mins long tops.

timers are a cheap game design choice that adds nothing but a little extra stress to the player. the same type of thing when a game adds “shields” to all the mobs or turns them into bullet sponges with ridiculous health pools. its the design choice of lazy designers who cant think of something to actually challenge a player, so they simply opt to waste the players time.


For sure, and people should continue to post about scaling issues. But there are definitely a decent amount of people just making vague, hyperbolic claims about delves and saying that the devs should be fired, they should get a refund, they’re quitting/uninstalling the game, etc. Just annoying nothing posts of people wanting to complain but offer 0 actionable feedback that anyone working on this game can do anything with.

It’s getting annoying and old. It’s not new to the WoW community, but I think people are just sick of seeing it every time anything goes wrong with the game. I know I certainly am. No one wants to hang out with a group of friends who does nothing but complain all the time about everything, and the same goes for communities surrounding a hobby.

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Are we having the same convo? lol

What? “Run your delves how you want to and don’t think about how others are running them” has nothing to do with removing loot from content or taking off your gear lol.

That someone can finish their delve in an hour by waiting on CDs and mobs to pat into single pull range has nothing to do with me finishing it in 15 minutes. It does not take away from my rewards or accomplishment. They are also gearing much more slowly at that rate. I don’t understand how this cheapens the content for YOU.

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Timers do add an element of challenge if properly tuned, Having to beat something in 5 minutes is significantly harder then beating it in 15 minutes. It’s not even fake difficulty it’s just a legitimate dps check to make sure your rotations and routing are up to snuff.

That said. I detest timers, I like being able to take my time so I can analyze a situation and judge on my own time how to best proceed. I am a deep thinker, but a slow thinker so it takes time.

Inaccurate, we are all stuck to the same amount of keys a week so unless it takes literal days people will gear at roughly the same time so long as they choose to use all their keys each week.

Problem is, they released it and allowed those of us that ran it with a friend or more to clear it in the first week rather easily. That set the expectation, and the following knee-jerk reactions they had punished people who, once again, didn’t exploit early and often enough.

Luckily I got my ez 8 in before they realized that they released an unfinished and untested product.

If these things were actually internally tested and released with a steady difficulty climb like they intended, we probably wouldn’t see so much of a problem with them, as long as they were similarly difficult across group sizes.

What happened was they messed up, tried to hurriedly fix it without saying anything, and now they have a very confused diverse player-base, many of whom expect it to be the easiest difficulty we were given across the board. But it’ll settle down in a few weeks.

This is entirely a failure on the leadership that oversees whatever department handles this though, and it’s frustrating because a lot of this expansion feels like that. It’s a very unpolished product.

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That’s fine by me as well but it’s also still not exactly true.

Because in the time they can gear 1 character that way I can gear 4. :man_shrugging:

And if I was running delves like that I’d dread them, not enjoy them, so I’ve still got a lot more going for me than a person waiting on lust for trash and pulling one mob at a time when they can.

I’m not spending 2 hours in a delve.
I’m saying that you can get to the point where if you’re struggling, you wait for all your CDs to come up before you move onto the next pack. The 2 hours was in relation to that comment. Not that I’m spending 2 hours in a Delve lol

Just that someone can. Like I said, it takes away the majority of the challenge when you’re able to do that.

I never said anything about loot. I said it’s along the same lines of “remove gear to make content challenging instead of creating challenging content”. It’s the same flawed reasoning.

I’m not worried about the rewards or accomplishments. I was looking forward to the “challenging” part of “challenging solo content”.

This is akin to playing tic-tac-toe.
Your suggestion is “make it harder yourself, blindfold yourself”.
Also akin to Ford saying they released a new sports car
Your suggestion is “buy a ford fiesta and just make it into a sports car”

Two very different things. M+ has it’s challenges by a fixed timer and infinite scaling. Raiding has it’s challenges by fixed enraged timer and increased scaling + increased mechanics per tier.
Delves have…well…nada.

But you have the same ceiling I do. We are capped on keys per week. Doesn’t matter if you do 4 in the time I do 2, you can only do those 8 in that weeks time. Just means you go afk and get bored faster than I do. But we cross the same finish line at the same time.

Well, that outfit helps.

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I’m gonna say it one more time but delve 8 is easy enough for me to the point I couldn’t imagine it could warrant the level of complaint they are receiving.