Delve +8 is way too easy

its exactly what it is, based off of blizzards definition of an exploit.

people dual boxing 2 characters while leveling to max, parents playing with their kid, that might of benefitted from a few extra renowned due to a warbound rep bug with the threads faction all got banned because rwf players were methodically exploiting this bug on 4-5-6 accounts to get their 25 renowned so they could unlock heroic crests and gain an unfair advantage. while regular players got within ranges of renowed 7-20. all got banned to with not even knowing about it or benefitting from it.

this scaling issue while in a group making the delves easier is the same concept.

now i dont want to see any player get banned from blizzards own mistake. they just need to get their crap together.

there are hundreds if not thousands of players that got hit with his ban simple because they dual box LIKE ME and parents playing with their kid that got hit by this renowned ban. there is 0 benefit to gaining 2-4 extra renowned unknowingly, yet we still all got banned to.

now dont get me wrong. i dont want to see you get banned for utilizing an exploit that makes these delves easier to attain heroic ilvl gear. but you need to understand that it is the same thing. if it was not intended and a player takes advantage, then that my friend is a bug and an exploit. blizzards terms not mine. whether you knew about it or now. that simple.

Had a group of 5 in an 8
1 person missed an interrupt and the entire party got 1shotted, sometimes that cast is uninterruptable and can still 1shot the entire party
Sporebits also 1shot but are easily avoidable

You can die 20-30 times in mythic+ and still time it, but random mob 1shotting the entire party = instabrick, yeah no that’s not right for supposedly ‘casual dad content’
At least with the previous release=-1 system you could have 1 person run back and finish up the delve with 4 hearts left, but now one bad pull kills the run.

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You don’t even have 39 friends don’t lie.

Stop grouping with people, and stop missing interrupts. The majority of packs don’t actually link, you can pull a huge amount of mobs solo. Those that can’t can pretty much all be crowd controlled, might have to actually spec it.

There aren’t more interrupts in groups than solo, I presume, so you have 5 times to resources to stop casts. The results being more deadly is a necessary logical step to that; if you have literally 5 times the resources but the same level of risk, the challenge drops to zero.

Sporebits also damage mobs, and shouldn’t just be “dodged”; you should be using them to actively kill every mob in the zone besides the last boss. They outright kill non-elites solo, and do about half the life of most elites.


They’re real to me!

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Since everyone’s now saying solo got broken alongside it, nah I’m just gonna avoid delves until next week since nobody can balance any of this right.

videoed proof or it didn’t happen

Which one? Tier 8?

posts like this and poor decisions at blizzard after these posts ruined delves lol good job.

Actually they fixed it

nice video btw, warriors are one of the classes which can actually complete these without issues. I feel like players like you don’t understand how other people’s experiences may differ lol

If tier 8 is too hard try one of the 7 below then. You’re not entitled to m+ rewards for no effort.

Please read what I wrote and not what you think I wrote before you go and write a book about it.

That wasn’t what I was talking about.

Wait…you want me to record and produce a video to show one player how to gear up a fresh 80? There are already numerous videos on youtube showing how to do so.

Go around and grab your Renown epics from the rep you got while leveling, then fill the rest of your slots in with crafted gear. The prices have plummeted in the last week for most low to mid tier crafted stuff.

Pretty simple stuff.

Ah screw it, went and did a few for science even after saying I wouldn’t.

It’s fine. Did them 5 ilvl under par, as both a tank and dps DH. Level 30 Brann. Tank + Brann as dps did not get ripped in half for being a tank, because I use defensives as if actually tanking them. DPS + Brann healing did go a little faster, but not enough to freak out and act like switching specs is “required”.

It was a bug. It’s been fixed. “Enjoy”

Good job, Idiots like you ended up getting them to bork the Delves. Congrats!

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Oh boo hoo.

Difficulty should be comparable in solo vs group. It’s not.

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