Delve +8 is way too easy

Gonna back that up with video, or no?

I guess it’s just me then that enjoys the challenge of it.

I did 3 bountiful +8 delves earlier and they were fine.

Did this guy single handedly destroy delves with this thread?


farm a random drop item taht you need 10 of? I’d rather get run over by a jabba the hut at an anime convention.

for the loot you get, its still too easy in comparison to other content
t8 is nothing. Maybe first run when you don’t know the boss. I can do t8 without paying attention. Total skill issue with all the lives you get. Frickin hero gear dropped from a bounty chest too.

cleared t11 and zekvir
only thing I havent done is zekvir 2 yet
i feel itll be better to wait but I could probably spend an hour wiping and do that too

tldr skill issue.

Fast forward 24 hours and how do you like them apples?

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Yeah 8 solo is still busted, they “nerfed” solo but mobs are still trucking for 1.7 mil per spam cast ability, they are a HORRENDOUS mess right now for solo.

how to kill your content 101, i guess blizzard has too many interns running around unsupervised


Thats a lot of purple gear you got there. Mght want to go tryhard in mythics, if you haven’t already.

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this didnt age well
Try it now after the nerf


We should start a betting pool for how they screw up tomorrows hot fix.

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I was going to say that is intended for alts, to play chill, but now…

Congratulations, OP

You ruined delves for everyone.


They “ruined” delves because you can’t mindlessly group through the 8th tier of it for better gear than Mythics?

I did
Its still easy


Keep saying that, despite being wrong. My Warlock with 5mil HP should not be getting hit for 14mil from a single attack. Even at the highest ilvl possible, I won’t be even close to 14mil HP total.


Most mechanics on high M+ are one shots too. And you are a ranged class with pet so you can get past the auto attacks I’m sure.
So yeah I’ma say thats a skill issue.

I really hope Blizzard doesn’t bow to these complainers that want to keep steamrolling delves in their groups.

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Dont feed them then they will have nothing to feed their ego at that point it can shrivel and die

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I didn’t say it was an auto attack. Try to spin it however you want, at the end of the day, you’re wrong. Possibly a troll, but whatever, wrong regardless.

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Images circulating

Feel free to add your random STRAIGHT MELEE HITS that deal more dmg than anyone has health pool