Delve +8 is way too easy

You’re ilvl 582… Sounds like you got a lot more “auto attacking” to do.

Yeah, it was enough to clear T8 solo and I clear M0s with my eyes closed. What were you trying to do with that post??

Yeah I’ll gear up doing the bare minimum, you literally said nothing lol.

braindead take

That’s the issue though. They are WAY too difficult to do solo, but way too easy to do in a group, and they are supposed to be SOLO content. I was getting FARMED doing T7 delves by myself. I joined a group and then we literally breezed through a tier7 and all four T8 bountiful devs in an hour. So silly. I shouldn’t have to find a group to reliably complete SOLO content lol. At that point I would just do M+.

They need to make Delves easier for solo players and harder for groups.


she is skull lvl on RL

This is the relativity I was talking about. They are useless as group content. People can beat around this bush until their shoes fall off, it will always remain true.

“But but but but but but this content is for flower pickers and um you know, pet battlers”
Is it really though? Do they actually care? I guarantee the answer is no.

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I ask for this, hell yeah. I’m all for making it an unbearable slog in full groups so that it’s comparatively smoother to solo. Doesn’t have to be a hard as trying to solo a +5 key, but in that direction. M+ is for groups. Delves are for solo/duo and not a full party.

Delves aren’t “for” me, so I can’t say for certain if they are “too hard” to solo, but this is also day 2 so at a minimum it should be hard because it’s only going to get easier from here. Gearing up and leveling Brann will certainly take a bite out of the difficulty. And there should be enough difficulty remaining that solo players can be challenged appropriately for the gear that comes out of it.

Right now solo D8s feel like they are earning that 616 vault slot. Party D8s feel like they are stealing it.

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You don’t even need a trinity, just a tank and some dps. 1/0/4 is super viable, but helps a bit with 1 or 2 offheal classes like shaman and paladin.

You can get to at least 580 within 2 hours of hitting 80. You aren’t even trying if that’s not the case for you.

im ilvl 6800.

We’re talking about playing the game, not paying for a carry.

Flexing on and alt, a GD tradition.

Speaking of which, wtf am I level 70?

I solod T8s last night… the different dynamics are:

Sometimes socializing with someone is the last thing I want to do [not averse to it, i play MMOs to be around other players most (but not all) of the time].

Its nice that not everything is on a damn timer or “go, go, go” 24/7… i can stop to go to the bathroom or grab a snack… i can wait for a CD to come back up, or go play with my ferrets and come back.

Can’t do that in a group, raid and certainly not in a Mythic+.

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you mean dungeons? an already very fleshed out aspect of the game?

They know. But, they’re a new expansion feature, so they’re allowing them to reward above their effort to justify the investment to shareholders, and I’m not knocking that, it’s just what they’re doing. They’ll eventually either nerf the loot, or raise the difficulty. I’m actually surprised they’ve let it go on for as long as they have, given how vocal the mythic plus crowd can be. Don’t worry though, it won’t be much longer.

Crazy but I show more tiers. If you want a challenge keep going but don’t keep casuals away from gear. Don’t be that guy.

You also have Mythic and raid. Cue up

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Then just do a lower tier

Well ok then.

I guess it’s another “exploit early etc” situation.


This post aged like wine, a very fast wine


Wasn’t an exploit, but yes.

When you see an obvious oversight like broken scaling, you take advantage of it because there’s no rewards for doing things the ‘right’ way. Running delves with a buddy because it’s much more enjoyable than having the solo experience inflicted on you is quite a bit different than utilizing a bug involving having multiple licenses for WOW tied to the same account to multi-box and get reputation rewards awarded twice.